Esmat hosts a "how not to do a thesis" lecture, with doctor professor Clovis Ultramari

With the presence of the students of the Inter-Institutional Doctorate in Law (DINTER) of UniCEUB, the Doctor Professor Clovis Ultramari taught, on this Friday afternoon (June 24th), in the auditorium of the Superior School of Magistrates of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the “How not to do a thesis” lecture.

Held in partnership with the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Regional Development (PPGDR) of the Federal University of the State of Tocantins, the lecture, which has the homonymous title of a book published by the professor in 2016, brought a more operational view on how to do a thesis.

 “The big assumption I have in doing this book and the content of it is the love for writing. It is this passion that you are going to have to develop, both for writing and for developing your thesis and your theme”, he emphasized during his presentation.

In an interview, the speaker stressed the importance of working with something that brings you joy. “I’ll give you some advice from a professional point of view. I would say find a research theme that brings you happiness, of course, and that you can reconcile with your work area. Analyze strategically IF your theme, besides being a theme that brings you happiness, that you like, is a theme that you will be able to work with”, he advised.

According to the professor, "the word is our only instrument. And the thesis is a set of words. For you to write, you have to write. It's exercise. It is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. This is classic", he added.


About the lecturer

Clovis Ultramari – Architect and Urban Planner. PhD in Environment and Urban Development from the Federal University of the State of Paraná. Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Urban Management at the Pontifical Catholic University of the State of Paraná and the Graduate Program in Environment and Development at the Federal University of the State of Paraná. Visiting researcher at UCLA/Los Angeles, The George Washington University/Washington-DC, and MIT. Research projects and topics of interest: Epistemological Aspects of the Urban, Urban Management, Major Urban Projects; Circulation of Ideas in the study of Cities, Literature and the City, Latin America.

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