Domestic Violence, humanized position of the magistrate, war in Ukraine and Covid-19 are debated at the International Congress on Human Rights

The role of the Judiciary during the pandemic, the fight against domestic violence and violence against women were topics approached in the second panel held in the XIV International Congress on Human Rights, this Friday morning (21st), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO). With the theme on "Decision Making, Covid-19 and Human Rights", the panel was based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 16, which calls for Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions.

Mediated by Professor Thiago Gagliano Alberto, the panel included speakers from Latin America and Central America. In his speech, Professor Doctor Walter Martin Arellano Torres, from Mexico, recalled the adjustments of the judiciary during the pandemic, such as the use of communication tools like Tik Tok, but reminded that judges should develop a posture closer to society. For the speaker, the magistrate should avoid the posture of a "Hercules" judge and seek a posture of a "Socrates" judge. "The figure of the judge should not be romanticized. It should be necessary to remove the technical text and bet on sentences that are understood by the general public, in accessible ways", he reinforced.

In her speech, the Bolivian magistrate Julia Elizabeth Gallardo, judge of the Plurinational Constitutional Court of Bolivia, recalled that during the pandemic, issues related to domestic violence were noticed in various parts of the world. "Rights violations and gender violence were worsened by economic tensions. Public health crises worsened the living conditions of the population. Despite the improvement in the health situation in relation to Covid, this violence was already happening previously, it occurred during the pandemic and also in the post-pandemic, as we can identify by our Judicial System," she said.

Analyzing the collective memory of the pandemic period, the Minister Sérgio Luiz Kukina, from the Superior Court of Justice, remembered the relevance of the Pertinence Congress, having as background the two scenarios: the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the pandemic, which, according to the Minister, "touched us more closely".

On the need for technological adaptation of the judiciary in the face of social isolation, the Minister recalled the speed with which we had to adapt to the digital communication resources. "We had to absorb a technological imposition that we imagined would take place 10, 15 years from now. We had to understand what it would take a decade to incorporate these technologies, and we did it in a very short time. We now need to evaluate and verify how well we are doing with the judicial provision under this format", he argued.

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