"No Flexibilization Of Guarantees", says Cnj counselor at the opening of the Symposium on the Rights of the Person with Autism

Father of a boy with autism and defender of social rights, councilor Mário Goulart Maia, of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), stressed that "guarantees are not flexible" when speaking about the "Judicialization of Health and Care and Acting in Front of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Judiciary", during the Symposium on the Rights of People with Autism, on the evening of Tuesday (November 29th), opening the programming of the Week of Accessibility and Inclusion of the PJTO, which runs until Thursday (December 1st), in the city of Palmas.

In an informal and very relaxed manner, as a way to facilitate the inclusion of the public to a topic of Justice, the speaker, who is part of the Working Group established by the Ordinance No. 315/2022 of the CNJ, with the purpose of conducting studies and preparing material for guidance and training in the care and performance of people with ASD in the Judiciary, said he considers this a very serious cause and talked about the daily struggles that excluded people go through and the challenges faced by parents. 

 "He spoke as a person who lives the reality of this issue, which is autism," said the speaker. Maia defends that nothing can limit the thought of the magistrate when deciding on issues related to health care and cited the E-NatJus, instituted by CNJ with the objective of helping magistrates in their decisions, giving scientific grounds to decide whether or not to grant certain treatments or medications. 

"We cannot get used to it and simply lower our heads," stressed the magistrate, speaking about guarantees and rights. "Rights are human," he stressed, pointing out that rights are for everyone.


Information and sensibilization

At the opening of the event, the vice-president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) and president of the Permanent Commission for Accessibility and Inclusion (Cpai), Justice Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, highlighted that the Accessibility and Inclusion Week of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins is the result of a project which aims at promoting information and awareness about the rights of people with disabilities. "In this context, the Presidency of the court of the State of Tocantins has sought to do its best to meet the guidelines for accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities across the plurality of existing disabilities," he said, pointing out that, despite being a small-sized court, TJTO has set goals and made a lot of progress.

Among the actions aimed at accessibility, the Justice cited the institution of the Accessible TO Network, formed by several partner agencies, with the objective of establishing an exchange of experiences and information, through the implementation of joint actions and mutual support, aiming at the implementation of programs, projects, and inter-institutional actions for accessibility and inclusion.



"Our justice system needs to talk about the challenges and get to know them in a deeper way. The more we know, the better we will be able to act in the enforcement of laws and also when facing the absence of laws for each concrete case," opined the vice-president of TJTO. "We believe that this is also the way to avoid new demands and generate real inclusion. This is how we can assure them the best conditions of equality for the exercise of rights and freedoms," he added, emphasizing that society needs to commit itself to this fight. "Not only the Judiciary must want to include, everyone must do it effectively."



Also present at the opening of the event, composing the device of honor, were the Vice- General Chief Justice and President of the Managing Committee of the Sustainable Logistic Plan, Justice Ângela Prudente; the Deputy Director of the School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, Justice Angela Haonat; the secretary of State for Administration, Paulo César Benfica Filho, representing the Governor Wanderlei Barbosa; the President of the Association of Magistrates of the State of Tocantins (Asmeto), Judge Odete Almeida; the President of the Permanent Commission for Accessibility and Inclusion of the Regional Electoral Court (TER-TO), Judge José Maria Lima; the Municipal Secretary for Social Development of the City of Palmas, Simone Sandri, representing Mayor Cinthia Ribeiro; and the Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia Élbia Rosane Sousa De Araújo, member of the CPAI of PJBA, coordinator of the Working Group of the Commission for Social Policies and Citizen Development of CNJ and speaker on the second panel of the evening.



The programming of the Accessibility and Inclusion Week of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins continues on Wednesday (November 30th), with the workshop on "Assistance to People with Neurodiversity", which takes place from 2:30 to 5:30 pm, in the auditorium of Esmat. On Thursday (December 1st), the activities end with the III Seminar in Commemoration of the International Day for People with Disabilities, celebrated on December 3rd, from 1pm to 5pm, at the auditorium of TJTO. During the program, a fair of inclusive toys and an art exhibition of typical and atypical youngsters are also being promoted.

The event is a realization of the Permanent Commission for Accessibility and Inclusion of the Power and Coordination of Socio-environmental Management and Social Responsibility (Cogersa), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat).

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