I Environmental seminar of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins discusses environmental legislation, preservation and joint actions to promote sustainability

The debates about environmental awareness allied to the implementation of public policies for preservation, sustainability and the participation of the Judiciary in this agenda of debates were themes addressed at the I Environmental Seminar of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. The event is one of the actions of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins to meet Target 12 of the National Council of Justice (first instance).

At the opening, the magistrate Wellington Magalhães, the event's coordinator, reinforced that the I Seminar is the result of a dialogue with the state institutions, being the Judiciary the mediator of environmental conflicts. "For years we have been developing countless dialogue actions in the construction of a reality of sustainability. The Judiciary is fulfilling its mission of providing an effective jurisdiction in the use of mechanisms and instruments for the solution of environmental conflicts, by means of mediation", he stated.

Mr. Renato Jayme da Silva, president of the Nature Institute of the State of Tocantins (NATURATINS), recalled the importance of the opportunity to talk about the work done in the sphere of public management of the state of Tocantins, specifically in the environmental area. "The union of knowledge with experience and awareness adds a lot, especially for the agencies and entities that develop public policies in an articulated manner, so that we can have a more sustainable Tocantins", he emphasized.

In his speech, Mr. José Maria da Silva Júnior, prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of Tocantins, reinforced that the Seminar is a great opportunity to clarify to society the importance of making development compatible with sustainability. "We have to talk today about balance and sustainability. And when we talk about this subject we also have to see how to make this balance in our activities", he affirmed.

With the themes Public Policies for Ecological Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: challenges and solutions; The challenge of implementing public policies for sustainability; Environmental Liabilities in the State of Tocantins: challenges and opportunities; Sustainable Logistic Plan of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins: Sustainability in Practice, the I Environmental Seminar of the Judicial Power had the lectures of Ramis Tetu, agronomist engineer; of Renato Jayme da Silva, president of Naturatins; of Mr. José Maria da Silva Junior, prosecutor of MP-TO; Leila Maria de Souza Jardim, court clerk and member of the Steering Committee of PJTO's Sustainable Logistic Plan and of the Accessibility and Inclusion Committee; lawyer Wolldson Vilarindo Gomes, an expert in Environmental Law; and master professor Daniel Iglesias de Carvalho, president of CREA-TO.

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