Yellow September: a lecture on suicide alerts to the learning to deal with pain and share affections

In allusion to the Yellow September, the month of the national campaign to prevent suicide, the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through the Center for Reception and Psychosocial Monitoring (NAPsi) and in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) promoted, on the afternoon of Monday (September 9th), the lecture "Suicide and its implications", with the psychologist Ronauth Martins de Souza. The event, held at the Full Court, in Palmas, was broadcasted by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) channel on Youtube. The lecture opens the 1st Yellow September Week of the Judiciary, with programming until Thursday (September 23rd).

The president of TJTO, Judge João Rigo Guimarães, officially opened the event, highlighting that suicide is "an intriguing subject, because we know how difficult it is to understand what leads a person to intentionally take his own life," said the Judge, after welcoming the audience and wishing success to the lecture, aimed at Judges, TJTO employees, and other interested parties.

A happy oyster does not make a pearl

The psychologist Ronauth de Souza started by quoting the book by Minas Gerais writer and psychoanalyst Rubem Alves “A happy oyster does not make a pearl", in an analogy to the understanding and comprehension of human pain. The lecture was marked by provocations and reflections: Why do we live? What is interesting for our subjectivity? What are desires? For the specialist, desires are the mind's fabrication to deal with emptiness, the way we deal with frustrations and our subjectivities.

He cited some examples of behavioral symptoms of a potential suicidal personality, highlighting the feeling of anguish as one of the main causes. "The individual makes his existence impossible because of anguish. He can no longer be subjective, he is a victim of the pain of existing. The suicidal person does not want to die, he just wants the pain to stop", he emphasized, also highlighting social, economic, and psychic factors for a person to abbreviate his own life.


For the psychologist, one of the biggest implications of suicide is the feeling of guilt of those left behind. "Don't feel guilty. There is no life without pain, suffering is a choice. The suicidal person is someone who needs to be returned to his or her subjectivity and uniqueness," he stressed. He warned to be alert to the other's behavior, such as social isolation, mood swings, eating disorders, among others. "Affective bonds is the first feeling that the suicidal person deconstructs." But he positively weighed in saying that there is a solution to the problem. "There is no pain that cannot be endured, especially if you share that pain. We prevent suicide by loving," he concluded. 

“The event awakens us to perceive the other within a welcoming, non-judmental look", said Milena Santana de Araujo Lima, head of TJTO's Intelligence Division. "I found it very interesting, especially in the current situation we live in today. “I found it very interesting, especially in the current situation we live in today. Staying isolated, hidden, is an excess of triggers. So this lecture was enriching. For me, it was very valuable", said Tatiara Rodrigues Lopes, from TJTO's Internal Control.


According to data from the Brazilian Yearbook of the Public Safety 2021, published in July of this year by the Brazilian Public Safety Forum, in 2020 the country recorded 12,895 deaths by suicide, a variation of 0.4% when compared to 2019, when 12,745 cases were recorded. Already in June this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that in 2019 more than 700,000 people died by suicide in the world, which represents one person every 100 deaths. The organization's goal is to reduce the suicide rate by one-thirty by 2030.


This Tuesday (September 21st), from 4:30 pm, the Interactive Live with the technical team of NAPsi (Conversation about suicide) will take place, also on YouTube / TJTO. On Wednesday (September 22nd), there will be a blood donation campaign (those interested should look for the truck parked in front of the TJTO headquarters, from 1 pm to 5:30 pm). Closing the Week's program, on Thursday (September 23rd), at 6 pm, the Big Class with the Personal Academy team will be held, also in the parking lot in front of the Court.

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