Master's and Doctorate Great Hall promoted by Esmat includes a lecture by Minister Carlos Britto

Students of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Professional Master's Degree in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and of the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Law (DINTER) of the UniCEUB participated, on Wednesday morning (4th), in the Great Hall - opening of the two Post-Graduation programs promoted by the School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).

To teach the Great Hall, the former minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Professor Doctor Carlos Augusto Ayres de Freitas Britto, was invited to speak on "The Legal System and its formal and material conditions of possibilities".

The ceremony was also attended by Marco Villas Boas, Esmat's General Director; Rolf Vidal, Chief Secretary of the Civil House of the State Government; Gustavo Paschoal, coordinator of the Master in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights - UFT/ESMAT; Professor Doctor Liziane Paixão, coordinator of the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Law at the UniCEUB; Doctor Luciano Casaroti, attorney general of the State Prosecutor's Office; Judge Helvécio de Brito Maia Neto, president of the Regional Electoral Court of Tocantins; and Master's and Doctorate students.

In his speech, Judge Marco Villas Boas, Esmat's General Director, remembered the support given by minister Carlos Brito in bringing to Tocantins Stricto Sensu post-graduation courses in Law. "We are all gathered here today, perhaps with the minister's share of having lit this spark of knowledge. A course not only aimed at Judges and civil servers, but also openings offered to society; now, after graduating an expressive amount of masters in the Judiciary, we are opening up to other institutions. Our primary goal is to improve the life of society and provide interdisciplinary training so that there can be social peace for progress and development. This is what is important in a course like this: to think that the Laws and the Constitutions were made to free the human being, and not to imprison. It is a source of freedom and security", he emphasized.

With the lecture directed to the academics and with accessible language, Minister Carlos Britto spoke about the conceptions of Law, presented historical contexts and about the current Brazilian conjuncture, with speeches, positions and attack to the Democratic State of Law. "Military coup is legal heresy. It is juridical scatology", he said in one of his speeches.

About the importance of Law in society, the jurist was emphatic when relating the theme to a house. There is no social life without Law, let's say it a thousand and one times, because there is no social life without Law. And the Law only exists for the life of human beings in society. Now, the Law, more than a complex of norms and, therefore, of rules, competencies, conduct, is a system, because it feeds itself. Law is a tidy house, with each of its parts in its proper place. The Law is a house that is put in order by itself, not by us, not by the interpreters of the Law. It is by itself. When we want to talk about Law as a system, let us remember a tidy house. "System is a tidy house", he stressed.

The Master's students are magistrates and public servers, either permanent or occupying a commissioned position in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins; public servers, either permanent or occupying a commissioned position in the Executive Power of the State of Tocantins; prosecutors; public attorneys, and public servers and those holding commissioned positions in the Public Prosecution Service of the State of Tocantins (MPE/TO); as well as professionals working in the area of Jurisdictional Provision and/or Human Rights. As for the PhD, we have 20 students registered, including magistrates and public servers from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

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