Copedem Finalizes Panel Cycle on the General Law of Data Protection - Trends and Challenges

The third and last event of the panel cycle General Data Protection Law - Trends and Challenges discussed, on Monday morning (24th), topics related to consent in the protection of personal data, sharing by health agencies and systems, use in the financial system and the interrelationship with the Consumer Protection Code, among others. The event was promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judges (COPEDEM) in partnership with the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB), the National School of the Judges (ENM) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).

At the opening of the panels, Judge Marco Villas Boas, president of Copedem, stressed the importance of the panel cycle for the understanding of the LGPD in the various uses of data sharing. "We had the opportunity to explain to everyone the reason for this course, to improve this area and try to observe the vacuum that still exists in terms of both jurisprudence and doctrine on the matter," he said.

Moderated by judge Jones Figueiredo, the first lecture of the day was given by the minister of the Superior Court of Justice, Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino, who spoke about the Civil Liability of the General Law of Data Protection. In his speech, the minister exemplified the technological changes observed by the world population in recent years. "We have been witnesses in the last decades of two great and interconnected phenomena that have caused profound changes not only in the global economy, but also in the personal lives of all the inhabitants of the Planet. Globalization allied to the speed of technological innovation that was further boosted by artificial intelligence, besides interfering in the economy of all countries, has also brought about profound changes in people's lives. We live in the era of big data, which intensified with the arrival of the pandemic in the first half of last year," he said.

Next, Mr. Bruno Bioni, founding director of Data Privacy Brasil, spoke about The role and limits of consent in the protection of personal data. Then it was the turn of Ms. Miriam Wimmer, director of the National Data Protection Authority, who explained about The challenges of Enforcement in the LGPD. Enforcement and Sanctions. Closing the first part, Ms. Natália Pompeu, legal superintendent of the Abramge System, presented the lecture Data Sharing in Health.

The second part of the event was presented by Judge Jeronymo Villas Boas, mediator of the TJGO. In the resumption of lectures, the lawyer and professor of Civil and Commercial Law at UnB, Ana Frazão spoke about the main repercussions for business activity. And with the theme Sectorial Perspective, the last two lectures were given by Ms. Annete Pereira, lawyer at Febrabam, who spoke about the main issues related to the implementation of LGPD in the financial system, ending with the speech of Mr. Rafael Zanatta, executive director of Data Privacy Brazil Association, who explained about building bridges between the General Law of Data Protection and the Consumer Protection Code.

Organized by the Center for Legal Memory (MEMORY), the event took place in the form of explanatory panels and was attended by several authorities in the legal field, including the president of Copedem, Judge Marco Villas Boas, from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins; minister João Otavio de Noronha, from the Superior Court of Justice; minister Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva, from the Superior Court of Justice; minister Paulo de Tarso Vieira Sanseverino, from the Superior Court of Justice, and others.

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