Registrations Are Open For The Event On "The Stf And The Right To Health: Impact Of The Theses 1234 And 6 And The Binding Summaries 60 And 61 In Judicialization Of Medicines In The Sus"

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) holds on November 4th, from 2 to 4 pm, the event on "The STF and the Right to Health: Impact of the Theses 1234 and 6 and the Binding Summaries 60 and 61 in the Judicialization of Medicines in the SUS", in the EaD modality. The activity will be taught by Federal Judges Luciana da Veiga Oliveira and Ana Carolina Morozowski, both from the   Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region.

One hundred and fifty vacancies are being offered to magistrates, assessors and servers of the Judicial Power of the State of Tocantins, professionals and agents of the justice and health system in the State of Tocantins, aiming to understand and apply the understandings of the Supreme Court (STF) in the Theses 1234 and 6 of the General Repercussion, related to the supply of medicines.

The event aims to promote efficient action, ensure access to health and balance the responsibility of the State with the sustainability of the public health system.  

To register, click here.

For more information, click here.

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