Registrations Are Open For Course On Socio-Educational Measures

Registrations are open until October 31st for the course on “Socio-educational Measures: Comprehensive Protection, Methodologies, Challenges and Guarantee of Rights”. The training will take place through the Virtual Learning Environment of Esmat (VLE), from November 11th to December 17th.

The course is aimed at magistrates, civil servers and trainees from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, as well as professionals in the fields of Psychology, Social Work and Pedagogy who work in the socio-educational system, as well as civil servers from the State Prosecution and the Public Defender's Office.

Registrations can be made here.

For Psychology, Social Work and Pedagogy professionals who are part of the Multidisciplinary Team Management Group (GGEM), registrations must be indicated by the GGEM Coordination on a single list, with the name, CPF, e-mail address and telephone number of the participant. This list must be posted on the SEI no. 24.0.000017724-1 so that the Academic Secretariat can carry out the registration.

The course, which has a teaching load of 42 hours, aims to enable participants to develop theoretical, legal and methodological skills related to children and young people.

For more details, see the full announcement here.

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