Esmat Responds To Requests And Opens Extra Class For Course On Generative Ai

In response to high demand, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) announced on Tuesday (September 3rd) the opening of an extra class for the course on “Prompt Engineering and Practical Applications of Generative AI (AI-GEN) in Justice: From Theory to Decision”. Coordinated by magistrate Wellington Magalhães, the training will take place on September 12th and 13th.

Initially, the course was planned to cater for just one group. However, due to high demand and requests for remaining places, the coordination of the Center for Training and Improvement of Magistrates (Nufam) decided to open a second class. The target audience of the course includes magistrates, legal advisors and civil servers from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

Registrations here.

The course aims to train magistrates and legal practitioners to understand and apply Generative Artificial Intelligence systems in the judicial process, promoting the ethical, critical and effective use of this technology in the preparation of judicial decisions. The activities will be led by Professors Alexandre Freire Pimentel, Haroldo Carneiro Leão Sobrinho and Irving William Chaves Holanda.

For more information on the class schedule and the CVs of the Professors, click here.

Any questions? Get in touch via e-mail: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>.

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