Judiciary Of The State Of Tocantins (Pjto) Holds Course On "Management In My Favor: Strategies For Results" For Civil Servers From Several Courts Of The State

The Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (PJTO), in collaboration with the General Internal Affairs of Justice (CGJUS) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), will be holding the course on "Management in my favor: strategies for results", in person, in several courts in the State of Tocantins, on a regional basis. The dates will be divided into three periods and regions, as well as the locations where the course activities will take place, in order to serve as many civil servers as possible.

The first days of the course will be held on August 12th and 13th in the district of Araguaína, and it will also include the districts of Arapoema, Araguatins, Augustinópolis, Itaguatins, Tocantinópolis, Wanderlândia, Ananás, Xambioá, Goiatins and Filadélfia.

On August 15th and 16th, the event will be held in the district of Palmas, serving the districts of Colinas do Tocantins, Guaraí, Pedro Afonso, Colmeia, Itacajá, Miranorte, Miracema, Araguacema, Paraíso, Porto Nacional, Ponte Alta do Tocantins, Novo Acordo and Cristalândia.

Finally, on August 19th and 20th, in the district of Gurupi, which will also serve the districts of Araguaçu, Alvorada, Arraias, Dianópolis, Formoso do Araguaia, Natividade, Peixe, Paranã, Palmeiropolis and Taguatinga.

Registrations will take place from July 29th to August 7th. To find out more about the dynamics and the event, please read the following press release here.

Themes of the programming

Despite the different dates and locations, the themes of the programming will follow the same chronology:

1st DAY

8 am to 8:30 am

Opening: Judge Rosa Maria Rodrigues Gazire Rossi and/or Presiding Justice of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins Etelvina Maria Sampaio and General Chief of Justice.

8:30 am to 11 am

Theme: Management of the National Targets of the CNJ. Strategies for achieving them; Manuals with tips for meeting the National Goals of the CNJ, prepared by Nupara.

Speaker: Judge Fabiano Gonçalves and Judge Cledson Dias

11 am to 12 pm

Theme: Panel on Court Management. Overview and main features 

Speaker: Darllanne Tacho

2 pm to 6 pm

Theme: Registration and procedural movement to meet the National Targets

Speaker: Kellen Cleya Madalena

2nd DAY

8 am to 12 pm

Theme: Localizer automation

Speakers: Maycon Denner and Valéria Bodas

From 2 pm to 6 pm

Themes: Strategies for team management, drawing up action plans and drawing up management plans.

Speakers: Renato Alves and Fernanda Pontes

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