Improvement Of The Integrated Management System For Extrajudicial Services (Gise) Is Promoted By Esmat

With a view to the improvement of the Integrated Management System for Extrajudicial Offices (Gise), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) is holding a training course aimed at magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, as well as delegates from the Extrajudicial Offices of the State of Tocantins.

Divided into classes 3 and 4, the course, taught by professors Wagner José dos Santos and Carla Rejany Pimenta de Andrade, aims to introduce students to the new functionalities of Gise, implemented after institutional visits to monitor its effectiveness.

For class 3, for magistrates and civil servers, the activities took place on May 16th and 17th, ending on May 21st.

As for class 4, which includes delegates from Extrajudicial Registry Offices, the web classes focused on the theoretical stage of the subject were held on Thursday and Friday (May 23rd and 24th) and they will end on May 26th, the time set aside for asynchronous activities in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Turma 4

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