Civil Servers Of The Judiciary Of The State Of Tocantins Begin Theoretical And Practical Training On Process And Risk Mapping

Foto: Ednan Cavalcanti

On Monday afternoon (May 13th), around 40 civil servers from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins from several areas of activity began the course on "Mapping Processes and Risks: Theory and Practice". Developed by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), the training - which lasts 20 hours - continues until Wednesday (May 15th).

With the presence of facilitators Ana Carolina Alcântara Vago and Sandro Tomazele de Oliveira Lima, the activities aim to train participants to map processes using the BPMN 2.0 notation, in addition to identify the risks present and model processes by inserting improvements based on the risks identified according to the methodology established in the Risk Management Manual of the TJTO. At the same time, they develop the skills and competencies to understand, apply and improve process mapping and risk identification techniques in order to improve operational efficiency, promote organizational transparency and strengthen the capacity for evidence-based decision-making.

Sandro Tomazele, a judicial analyst at the Superior Labor Court (TST), highlighted the innovation of working with processes and risks together.

We're going to do something you rarely see, because normally we see processes and the other day we see risks, and here we're going to do both together, so we're even going to do the practical part. How one influences the other, how one helps the other, he explained.

Ana Carolina Alcântara, who has a postgraduate degree in Public Accounting and Fiscal Responsibility, pointed out that "the course will cover process knowledge together with risk knowledge, so we'll be combining two methodologies, and I imagine that in the end the work that can be done will be very interesting".

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