Esmat Trains Plain Language Agents In The “Simplestoc” Program: "It Takes Courage To Write And Humility To Put A Text On The Air"

In a society where access to justice needs to be within the reach of everyone, the use of simple, didactic and visually accessible language becomes not only a necessity, but also a powerful tool for overcoming conflicts.

Always seeking to align its actions with the motto on "Closer and more innovative justice", the current management of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), organized training on February 26th, 27th and 28th for plain language agents to carry out the actions of the TJTO. SimplesTOCProgram.

Taught by professors Claudia Cappelli, Joseane Aparecida Corrêa and Marcia Ditzel, the initiative aimed to train the participants to effectively use and multiply Simple Language practices in the TJTO, promoting clearer and more accessible written communication through specific techniques, examples and tools.

Shall we talk?

In journalism, the process of communicating is always a two-way street, in which both sides play a vital role. But from the very first steps at university, we learn that it's up to the writer not only to put words on paper, but also to ensure that they are understood. In other words, the success of the communication process also depends on how it is passed on.

That's why, today, we're going to build a dialog through this text.

Clarice Lispector, a Brazilian writer and journalist, once said that "to write is to seek to understand" and that "writing is an act of dreaming". How many dreams are shaped every day in the Brazilian judiciary by documents and legal proceedings?

We know that the language of these documents can be a barrier for many. The use of difficult words, especially in Latin, makes these texts intimidating for some people. 

For this reason, the idea of simplifying language is not just limited to court decisions, but also to the communication process as a whole. After all, our goal, as members of the judiciary, is to make justice more accessible, transparent and inclusive for everyone.

What do we learn?

During the three-day workshop, magistrates and civil servers learned that adopting simple language can prevent conflicts, facilitate dispute resolution and increase confidence of the citizens in the legal system. In addition, they understood that the importance of accessible language goes beyond the simple simplification of texts, representing an institutional commitment to transparency, inclusion and the guarantee of the fundamental rights of the citizens.


The testimonies of the participants of the course show that this approach is already generating positive results, encouraging real change within the Judicial System of the State of Tocantins.

Roberta Martins Soares Maciel Ismael, co-manager of the “SimplesTOC” program and a master's student in Judicial Provision and Human Rights program, shared her satisfaction with the training.

"I am extremely satisfied with the results achieved by the workshop proposed as one of the actions of the [SimplesTOC] program. It was the right choice to select facilitators with great knowledge of the subject, which undoubtedly contributed significantly to the success of the event," she said.

Roberta also praised the active participation of those registered, stressing as one of the highlights of the training, "the real engagement with the proposal to adopt a simpler and more accessible language. The workshop not only met but exceeded our expectations, producing concrete results that are already encouraging the adoption of plain language within the TJTO. It is inspiring to see that the participants, especially those who are part of the working group responsible for implementing the planned actions, are becoming real agents of change in their respective units, overcoming resistance and prejudice, often based on a lack of knowledge about the benefits of the plain language. This commitment, coupled with the unconditional support of management, reflects our commitment to a justice system that is closer to the people, innovative, accessible and transparent," she said.

Alecsandre Alves Oliveira mentioned that "the workshop was a paradigm shift". He stressed that, despite the challenges ahead, the course "is already a step, and so it's a path of no return".

For journalist Tarcísio Vória, the meeting was "very fruitful, integrating professionals who work in the  communications of the TJTO and civil servers from various segments. We were able to reaffirm the importance of collaborative work in translating and interpreting specific terms and amplifying them clearly and objectively to citizens. In this way, we work together in search of a justice system that is ever closer and more innovative, at the service of society."

CNJ recommends the use of plain language by the Judiciary

The course, coordinated by Judge Roniclay Alves de Morais and server Roberta Martins, follows the Recommendation No. 144 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), of 2023, for the use of plain language in the Brazilian Judiciary. This decision is based on the right of citizens to access information in a clear and understandable way, as established by law and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

About the “SimplesTOC”

A pioneer, in November of 2023 the TJTO launched its simplified language program, “SimplesTOC”, through the  Joint Ordinance nº 16/2023, and attached a Plain Language version.

Are you curious and want to know more about "SimplesTOC"? Check the 19th Episode of the ESMATCast.

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