Esmat Starts Third Class Of Emotional Intelligence Course

Module I of the "Emotional Intelligence - Managing Emotions" course offered by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) began on Wednesday (September 20th). Now in its third year, the training is aimed at magistrates and civil servers of the General Inspector Affairs of Justice.

The course aims to enable the participants to build greater emotional intelligence, allowing them to feel confident in dealing with the challenges of everyday life and taking on the responsibilities inherent in their roles. It also addresses the management of the changes caused by the pandemic, offering practical tools to face these challenges effectively.

Foto: Ednan Cavalcanti


The first meeting was attended by facilitator Rudiney Moreira da Silva, a specialist in leadership development, human behavior and interpersonal relationships. The course will continue until October 4th, with three more face-to-face meetings.

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