Esmat offers Public Attendance course in Public Service in distance learning mode

Registration for the Public Attendance in Public Service course, developed by the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT), with a 40 hours duration, is open from this Thursday (7th) and lasts until May 14th, through the Distance Learning mode.

The Public Attendance in Public Service course aims to address the necessary personal and professional knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to teach servers how to express themselves clearly and appropriately to socio-cultural contexts and characteristics, respecting ethical and esthetics principles at all points of contact, in addition to notions of service, its different forms and techniques, so that the jurisdictional feels well served within the scope of the Judiciary of Tocantins, and the server, in turn, realizes how valuable and edifying their activity is.

Classes will be held, via web, through Esmat Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The course will take place between May 18th and June 30th. 150 vacancies are being offered; 100 of them to employees of Justice Court of Tocantins; 30 to employees of the Judiciacy Branch of Tocantins; and 20 to  employees of partner agencies of School of Judges of Tocantins.


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To register click here

About the professor: 

Adriana Magna Sousa da Silva Ramalho is a social worker, graduated from Alagoas Federal University (UFAL). Graudated in Training for Professional Education Trainers, by UNISUL, MBA in People Management, Tocantins Federal University (UFT). Specialist in Administration and Planning for Teachers, by CEULP / ULBRA. Specialist in Education and Human Rights, by PUC-GO in partnership with Dominican Justice and Peace Commission of Brazil.

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