Complementary Health Course - Challenges and Solutions - will be held by Esmat

With the proposal to enable the magistrates linked to the Justice Court of Tocantins and / or magistrates associated with the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB) to understand the problems faced about supplementary health in Brazil and to find new solutions to solve disputes regarding the judicialisation of health, the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) launches the Supplementary Health – Challenges and Solutions course. 

The registrations will be done between May 15th and May 29th, and the course is scheduled to take place in Distance Learning (EaD) modality through Esmat Virtual Learning Environment (AVA). 160 vacancies are being offered, 40 of which to judges of the Judiciary Power of Tocantins, and 120 to judges of the Judiciary from other States. Divided into eight modules, the course will have a total 60 hours class load.

The course will be divided in eight modules – virtual rooms – where video classes, texts for reading, forums for discussions with the participation of tutors will be available, motivating and guiding the students, promoting due feedback and discursive assessment, objective questions and continuous assessment. The course will be accompanied by four tutors, who will play their functions as described in the schedule: 4 teaching hours, 18 teaching hours for video lessons, 36 teaching hours for interactive and evaluative activities and 2 teaching hours for reaction evaluation.

Composed of an interdisciplinary team of professors, the course activities will be taught by: Angelica Carlini – PhD in Political and Economic Law from Mackenzie and PhD in Education from PUC / SP; Rogério Scarabel Barbosa – Master in Law, from Gama Filho University; Ana Carolina Morozowski – Judge of the 3rd Federal Court of Curitiba. Health Specialist; Gonzalo Vecina Neto – Master in Administration from EAESP / FGV. José Cechin – Master in Electrical Engineering and Economics at Unicamp. Ana Carolina Maia – PhD and Master in Economic Theory from UFMG. Marcos Paulo Novais Silva – Master in Applied Economics, Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Daniel Junqueira de Souza Tostes – Federal Prosecutor, he is currently the General Prosecutor of the National Supplementary Health Agency. Clenio Jair Schulze – Doctor and Master in Legal Science from UNIVALI. Cesar Felipe Cury – Judge TJRJ, Master and Doctoral student in Law. Arnaldo Hossepian Salles Lima Junior – Prosecutor of the Public Prosecution of São Paulo; Natalia Pires de Vasconcelos – PhD and Master in Constitutional Law; Paulo Furquim de Azevedo – Master and Doctor in Economics, from FEA – USP.


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