Esmat starts third class of the Theory and Practice course in the Research Projects Elaboration

With the proposal to stimulate research on themes related to discourse and legal practice, as a way to initiate the scientific production process of servers and magistrates, promoting research activities and sharing experiences that will enable participation in the selection processes for entering Graduate courses (Lato and Stricto Sensu) offered, the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) starts, on Monday (27th), the Theory and Practice course in the Research Projects Elaboration – Class III.


The course is aimed at magistrates or servers (effective and commissioned) of the Judiciary of Tocantins and servers of the state executive, with a view to provide a space for dialogue and exchange of knowledge, which will result in an intellectual maturation and training of the teaching staff of the Judiciary of Tocantins and the State Executive Branch.


Taught by the PhD professors Patrícia Medina and Valdirene Cássia, the course will last 120 hours and will be held in the Distance Learning modality. Divided into five stages, classes will be held by videoconference through the Google Meet platform from July 27th to October 26th, every Monday, from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm.


About the Professors


Patrícia Medina – Graduated in Pedagogy, from the Porto Alegrense of Human Sciences Education and Letters College, 1986. Graduated in Law, from the Federal Foundation University of Tocantins, 2006. Master in Education, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, 1992. PhD in Education, from the Federal University of Goiás, 2011. Lecturer-Researcher for the Master’s Degree in Jurisdictional Rendering in Human Rights at the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) in cooperation with the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT).


Valdirene Cássia da Silva – PhD and Master in Education, from the Federal University of Bahia. Specialist in Communication, Strategies and Languages. Graduated in Social Communication, specializing in Public Relations. She is currently a full professor at the Lutheran University of Palmas (Ceulp / Ulbra). She has experience in the area of Communication, with emphasis on Information and Communication Technologies, acting mainly on the following themes: Communication, Media and Culture. Linked to the research group: Education, Communication and Technologies, from Faced / UFBA.

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