With the proposal to train magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary of Tocantins to build a dialogical, affective and interactive content for distance courses, based on socioconstructionist theory, with the use of Internet learning objects, the School of Judges of Tocantins (Esmat) launches the New Didactic Elements in Distance Learning course. Registration starts this Tuesday (28th) and ends on August 7th. Classes take place between August 17th and September 25th, 2020.
40 vacancies are being offered, 20 of which are for magistrates and 20 for civil servers of the Judiciary of Tocantins. Registrations will be made through the Virtual Academic Secretariat (SAV) on the Esmat website. With a 40 hours classload, the course consists of 28 class hours subdivided into 5 theoretical class hours and 7 class hours with practical activities, through the platform Google Meet. With an 1 hour duration, classes will also be recorded on AVA for participants who are unable to attend online.
The course will provide an increase to the bank of trainers, both from Esmat and from the National School for Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM), with the intention of improving in the participants the competence to recognize the importance of language, dialogue for communication and information transformation in knowledge; identify and describe problems to be solved with the development of the content; characterize the target audience and diagnose their expectations; define instructional objectives; select didactic strategies, media and technologies appropriate to the context of the content to be developed; sequence the content project in different stages; analyze guiding questions for content writing; develop a course plan and a lesson plan, among others.
Click here to access the Notice.
For registration click here.