Esmat starts an Update course on Civil Procedure

Last Friday (September 24th), the Civil Process Update course, held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), started.

With a 72-hour class load, the course aims to provide male and female employees and magistrates from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins with improvement and revision of the subject matter, focusing on the theoretical and practical bases of the Code of Civil Procedure, and jurisprudential analysis from the superior courts.

A total of 90 vacancies were offered, distributed among magistrates; male and female employees who work as advisors in the 1st and 2nd level judicial courts of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

Classes are being held via Esmat's Virtual Environment and Google Meet, and will run until October 29th, 2021.


About the professor:


Marcelo Bezerra Ribeiro

Post-Doctorate in Law, from PUC/RS, under the supervisiono f Dr. Ingo Sarlet. Doctor and Master in Civil Process from Estácio de Sá University (UNESA/RJ), under the supervision of Doctor Leio Streck. Permanent Professor of the PPGDF (Master’s Degree) at the University of Amazônia (UNAMA). Coordinator of the Post-Graduation in Contemporary Civil Process of Educational Being. Professor of Civil Procedure at Legal G7, ESA, EMAB, IPROJUDE, and several Postgraduate courses. Effective member of the Brazilian Academy of Civil Procedural Law and of the North and Northeast Association of Process Professors. Arbitrator of CAMES. Attorney at Law. Expert witness author of several legal works.

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