In partnership with the presidency of TJTO, Esmat begins a course on new directions in the management of precatories

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), in partnership with the presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), started on Wednesday, 16th, the New Directions in the Management of Precatories Course.

The focus is in the sense of seeking to apply, from an in-depth analysis of the Resolution number 303 of the National Council of Justice, 2019, the current rules that must be followed by the courts of justice for the proper management of precatories and Requisition of Small Amount (RPV), from its expedition and requisition, organization of the chronological order, verification of the compliance by the debtor entities, until the effective payment to the creditors.

Assistant Judge of the Presidency and Precatories Manager of TJTO, Manuel de Faria Reis Neto is one of the coordinators of the course, along with the Judge Esmar Custódio Vêncio Filho. In his opening speech, he thanked Esmat, on behalf of the Justice Marco Villas Boas, who is the Director of the unit, for one more partnership with the presidency of TJTO, and welcomed the representatives of the São Paulo, Ceará e Santa Catarina Courts of Justice.

 “The management of precatories is a complex task that requires specific knowledge, so a course that has experienced people like those who will teach the classes is so important. Besides, we have a qualified team and count on the excellent structure of Esmat, I thank you once again for the partnership”, highlighted the magistrate, who also thanked the presence of the Judge Rafael Sandi, from TJSC.


Qualified Professionals

During the virtual meeting, the Judge Esmar Custódio Vêncio Filho highlighted the qualities of the two responsible people in charge of teaching the classes: the Justice of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo Luís Paulo Aliende Ribeiro and the Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Ceará Francisco Eduardo Fontenele Batista.
“They are two exceptional professionals in their areas of expertise, who have state-of-the-art knowledge about precatories like no one else, and it is not by chance that they travel the country giving classes on the subject, always updating us. They are also very helpful and it’s not the first time they give us their knowledge on the subject. Thank you for this participation”, he commented.



The Justice of TJSP Luís Paulo Aliende Ribeiro talked about the course division. “I thank the invitation and all those who had contact with me in the preparation of the material. Also the direction of Esmat and the coordinators of this course, my thanks for the opportunity to return to TJTO to talk about the management of precatories. During the course we will talk about Resolution 303, of 2019; the super-preferential installment and the innovations of the EC number 113, of 2021, and 114, of 2021; and the Special regime. Esmat presents an admirable structure and I AM very happy to participate in initiatives like this,” he said.

Judge Francisco Eduardo Fontenele Batista corroborated the words of the Judge and commented happily about the third time he returns to Esmat. “I thank you once again for the invitation, as this is the third time we meet with colleagues from the State of Tocantins. We have the Best intentions here and every effort will be made to present the theme, which is so difficult and complicated, to you all the best possible way,” he highlighted.


The course

The course, which has a class load of 30 hours and is intended for Judges, magistrates, and male and female employees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, is divided into three modules and will run until April 15th, 2022, with the activities developed in the Distance Learning modality, via Esmat’s Virtual Learning Environment.


Professors profile

Luís Paulo Aliende Ribeiro - Associate Justice at the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, acting in the 1st Public Law Chamber. Former coordinator of the Board of Precatories (DEPRE) of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo. PhD in State Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo, with the "The Regulation of the Notary and Registration Function" thesis. He was an auxiliary Judge at the High Court of Justice of São Paulo, integrating the "Extrajudicial Team", and was summoned several times by the National High Court of Justice (CNJ) to inspect and act on extrajudicial activities and court-ordered payments. He is the coordinator of the Specialization course in Public Law. He is a trainer and assistant professor at Paulista School of the Magistracy (EPM). He is a member of the National Forum of Precatories (Fonaprec), of the National Council of Justice (CNJ). Full member of the Chamber of Regulatory Agent Regulation of the ONR.

Francisco Eduardo Fontenele Batista - Graduated in Law from the University of the city of Fortaleza, 1996. Post-graduated in Civil Process from the Federal University of the State of Ceará. Lato Sensu Specialist, in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Ceará. Judge at the Court of Justice of the State of Ceará, since 1998. Currently he is the holder of the 2nd Auxiliary Court of the Public Treasury of the city of Fortaleza. Assistant Judge of the Presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Ceará, in the biennia 2011-2013; 2013-2015; and 2015-2016. Former General-Secretary of the National Chamber of Receiving Judgment Managers of the Courts of Justice. Currently a member of the Advisory Board of that body. Trainer certified by Enfam. Professor of the Postgraduate Course of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Ceará (ESMEC). Former member of the Permanent Legislative Commission of the National Forum of Precatories (Fonaprec), of the National Council of Justice (CNJ).

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