Applied judicial administration (AJA) course closes modules 2021 and participants present results

After four months and the application of five modules, the Applied Judicial Administration course (AJA) ended this Monday (December 13th) the activities planned for 2021.  The closing meeting was attended by the members of all five training classes, which involve male and female employees, magistrates, from judicial courts in Tocantins' districts. The EYA is an initiative of the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the State of Tocantins (CGJUS-TO), with the execution of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). 

The activities proposed by the Applied Judicial Administration Course seek the improvement of the judicial provision, that is, the service provided to the citizen, through a better management of the units. The training began on August 30th this year, in the distance learning modality, through Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment (AVA), and is taught by professors Carlos Henrique Borlido Haddad and Luis Antonio Capanema Pedrosa.

The auxiliary Judge of the Inspector General's Office, Rosa Maria Gazire Rossi, represented the Chief Judge, Judge Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, during the closing meeting. "The Inspector General's Office of the State of Tocantins, in this administration, has the maxim of acting in a more human and participative way. Thus, we are no longer only inspecting, applying punishment, but also correcting, guiding, and walking together. The EYA comes at this moment of transformation. The participating units were chosen by the Inspector General's Office and, based on statistical data, we mixed units that already have a management profile with others that are beginning this cultural transformation. I would like to thank Judge Etelvina for the commitment and dedication of the teachers and students. Gratitude to all those involved".

Professor Luis Pedroso talked about the vanguard of CGJUS-TO in working on judicial management. "This is a wonderful initiative by the  Inspector General's Office of the State of Tocantins; the others around the country are still using the traditional way of pointing out a series of non-conformities, without correcting the causes. Therefore, Tocantins is a step ahead of all the other internal affairs offices. It is a change in mentality. We hope that we have instilled in you healthy habits related to management," he said. 

"The purpose of the Inspector General's Office is to rule jointly, to manage in a shared way, in which everyone strives for the common good, to better serve the public. At Aja, the environment is very rich, the exchange of experiences is very fertile," said Professor Carlos Haddad. 

Reached results

During the closing of the 2021 activities, EYA participants presented the results already achieved, like the judge Fábio Costa Gonzaga, director of the District of Guaraí, holder of the 1st Criminal Court and answering for the 1st Civil Court. "It is really important to think about management in a joint way, to stop what we are doing in order to discuss these issues. The management meetings make us talk with our colleagues, because we all produce for each other and we are all in the same gear". 

The Judge of the County of Arraias, Eduardo Barbosa Fernandes, spoke of the gains of well-planned judicial administration. "The management totally changes your personal, professional coexistence with the whole team. In addition, we have achieved a reduction of collection of more than 50% over the years and promotion of quality of life.  

Graziela Romão, a civil server of the Public Treasury Court of the City of Palmas, explained the change experienced by the team. "We had a very high demand, right when the Court of the Public Treasury was installed, there was a correction and an action plan was requested, but we didn't have this management knowledge. This course has contributed a lot to our unit, and I am trying to put it into practice, passing it on and replicating it to the team. After the course, we established some indicators, because we didn't have this macro vision of the unit, we established goals, a routine, we implemented, based on the course, our management model".   

About the course

With 116 class hours, the AJA course had the objective of training magistrates and magistrates, permanent, commissioned, and/or assigned employees of the Tocantinense Judiciary; 225 vacancies were distributed among them, in order to provide them with practical learning in the administration of judicial units. In 2022, two more modules are planned, concluding the training.

About the professors

Carlos Henrique Borlido Haddad

Graduated in Law from the FUMG Law School (1995). Master's degree in 1999. Doctorate, 2003, in Penal Sciences from the University of Michigan, USA. He is currently a federal Judge at the Federal Court of the State of Minas Gerais and an adjunct professor at the Law School of FUMG. He has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Criminal Law and Procedure. He also works in the areas of Administration of Justice, with focus on Techniques for Accelerated Proceedings and Case Management, and the Training of Judges, certified by the École Nationale de la Magistrature, France.

Luis Antonio Capanema Pedrosa

PhD candidate in Operations Management, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. Master in Precision Mechanics, by Kyoto University, Japan. Graduated in Electronic Engineering from Aeronautical Technological Institute (ITA), SP. He was a superintendent of Industrial Process Engineering at Usiminas. Superintendent of Troller and of Quality and Marketing Development at Unibanco. Worked as a consultant at EDS Corporation, Japan and Anderson Consulting, SP. Associate professor at Dom Cabral Foundation. Director. President of Marpel Consulting.

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