Judiciary opens the attendance to the public service course in the judiciary

Started on the morning of Wednesday, October 20th, the Attendance to the Public Service course, which begins today, held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). The training course was opened by the Chief Justice, Judge Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe. 

"You servers are the business card of the Judiciary, often the first to initiate the service to the citizen who seeks the services of Justice. Therefore, promoting a quality service, with courtesy, agility, and tranquility is fundamental", said the Judge while reinforcing the importance of the servers for the efficiency of the Judiciary.

The course, which is being taught in the distance learning modality and will have a total classload of 24 hours, will teach the participants the notions of customer service, its different forms and techniques, so that the citizens will feel well attended to in the scope of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins, and the employee, in turn, will realize how valuable and edifying his or her activity is.

The facilitator is Professor Adriana Magna Sousa da Silva Ramalho, a specialist in people management. At the beginning of the class she made a point of calling, one by one, the participants by name. "One of the things that sounds sweetest to our ears is to be called by name, this is very important," she began, already giving the first lessons on customer service.

The course continues until November 16. 80 vacancies were offered, distributed among male and female employees, employees from the Judiciary, and employees from Esmat's partner organs.

About the facilitator 

Adriana Magna Sousa da Silva Ramalho has a degree in Social Work. Graduated in Professional Education. Specialist in Administration and Planning for Teachers. MBA in People Management. Specialist in Education and Human Rights. Student of Psychology. Currently a social worker of the Police Station for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (DPCA), an agency linked to the Secretariat of Public Safety of the State of Tocantins. She has been a public speaking teacher for more than 23 years, accumulating about 5,550 hours of assistance, both in groups and individually. She has a channel on Youtube called “Oratoria Sem Mistério” (Public Speaking without Mystery). She is currently the director of Habitus People Management Consulting, a lecturer in private companies and public institutions. She also works as a behavioral analyst, trained by TTI Success Insights, from 1998 to 2015. Teacher at National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI), among other professionalizing education institutions in courses related to the behavioral area, especially Speech, from 2001 to 2017. Teacher in higher education in the course of Social Service at the undergraduate level and in the areas of University Teaching, Personnel Management and Public Management at the Postgraduate level. Continuing Education (some courses): Emotional Intelligence; Conflict Mediation; Restorative Justice; Mindfulness; Group Dynamics; Coaching and Mentoring; Behavioral Profile Analysis; Lifelonglearning; Dedication to Philosophy and Art: Student of Philosophy in the classical way, at the New Acropolis School of Palmas. Poetess, author of the book “A Dança das Marés” (The Dance of the Tides), published by “Cultura” in 2020.

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