Basic course of extrajudicial mediation - theoretical part has started

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins started the classes of the Basic Course of Out-of-Court Mediation - Theoretical Part -, this Thursday afternoon (October 21st). The activities are being developed remotely via Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment and Google Meet Platform, and will last until December 16th, 2021.

With a class load of 40 hours, the course aims to properly employ consensual methods of conflict treatment, especially mediation and conciliation in Extrajudicial Notaries, with a view to social pacification and broad access to justice, the main objectives of the National Judicial Policy for Adequate Treatment of Conflicts of Interest, established by Resolution No. 125 of the National Council of Justice, November 29th, 2010.

Forty vacancies were offered, distributed among notaries and registrars, holders or delegates of notary and registry services in Tocantins.

About the Professors

Umbelina Lopes Pereira Rodrigues

Graduated in Law from the Law School of Anápolis, 1996. Post-Graduate in Public Law: Constitutional and Administrative, by the Law School of Vale do Rio Doce, Governador Valadares. Master's student of the VII Class in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights, held by the Federal University of the State of Tocantins in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins. She has been a Judge at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins since April 11th, 2002, holding the Judicial Recovery, Bankruptcy, Precatory and Public Treasury Courts. Coordinator of the Judicial Center for Settlement of Disputes and Citizenship (CEJUSC) in the City of Araguaína. Coordinator Judge of the Permanent Center for Consensual Methods of Conflict Resolution (NUPEMEC), of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, from 2015 to 2019. Trainer of trainers, with focus on mediation and active learning methods, by the National School of Magistrates (ENFAM). Speaker, lecturer and panelist on topics related to human rights, access to Justice, effectiveness of Justice and alternative mechanisms for conflict resolution, especially mediation and conciliation. She participates organizing events, such as congresses, seminars, workshops and courses in the area of conciliation, mediation, restorative justice, systemic law (family constellation), enegram. She has teaching experience in higher education. She participated in an extension project with the topic: Conciliation and the Center for Conflict Solution and Citizenship, at Dom Orione Catholic College of Araguaína.

Rodrigo Rodrigues Dias

PhD candidate in Law at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Master in Social Sciences from the State University of the West of Paraná (UNIOESTE). Bachelor of Laws from the University of São Paulo (USP). Judge in the Court of Children and Youth and Annexes of the City of Toledo/PR. Coordinator of the Judiciary Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSC) in the same County. Coordinating Judge of the Seventh Juvenile Court. Member of NUPEMEC - Permanent Center for Consensual Conflict Resolution. Mediation and Judicial Conciliation Instructor, by the National Council of Justice. Instructor of Restorative Practices, Peace Construction Circles, by the School of Servers of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná (ESEJE). Trainer of trainers, by the National School for Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM). University Professor at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, at the Assis Gurgacz Foundation University Center (FAG) and at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of  Paraná.

Neilan Angela Celestino Argento

Bachelor of Laws from the Estácio de Teresina College.

Specialist in Conflict Management, promoted by the Legislative School Prof. Wilson Brandão - Adelmar Rosado College (FAR). Specialist in Superior Teaching (in progress), also promoted by College Adelmar Rosado (FAR). Judicial Instructor of Training Courses in Judicial Mediation, promoted by the National Council of Justice. Instructor in Training Courses in Extrajudicial Mediation, promoted by the Superior School of Advocacy of the State of Piauí (ESA-PI). Instructor of courses in judicial mediation of family and land conflicts, promoted by Nupemec-PI in partnership with EJUD-PI. Professor of Post-Graduation in Conflict Mediation at the higher education institutions Estácio-Teresina, Facid-Teresina (FAR). Mediator of Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflicts. Lecturer on themes related to MASCs and Non-Violent Communication. Administrator of the company PASS Business Consulting Ltda. - ME.

Celma Laurinda Freitas Costa

Bachelor of Law from the Jataí Higher Education Center, Goiás (CESUT). PhD in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC Goiás). PhD in Religion Sciences from PUC Goiás. PhD in Law, from the Dinter program with Estácio de Sá and University Center of Goiás (Uni-Anhanguera). Doctor in Law from the Universidad del Museo Argentino (UMSA), Argentina. Master in Education, from PUC Goiás. Master of Law in Alternative Solutions of Business Disputes at Paulista School of Law (EPD). Master in Cultural Anthropology in the Social and Legal Sciences area, from the Iberoamerican Institute of the University of Salamanca (USAL), Spain. Specialist in Management and Educational Law, by ILAPE. Specialist in Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration, from the University Center of Goiás (Uni-Anhanguera). Specialist in Notarial and Registral Law from Uniderp. Former substitute professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Militated as a lawyer in the corporate, labor and civil areas in Goiânia, Goiás, 1992-2012. Trained instructor by CNJ for the training of conciliators and mediators. Mediator and judicial conciliator, trained by TJ/GO, having acted as mediator, conciliator and volunteer instructor in TJ/GO. Former academic director and coordinator of the Law course at Inhumas College (FacMais). Civil Registry Officer, County of Santa Vitória-Court, Minais Gerais, 2013-2015. Currently she is a university professor at FacMais. Researcher in the area of Mediation and Conciliation about the " Mediate is Divine!" project, initiated by TJ/GO, and about Conciliation and Mediation in extrajudicial offices. Articulist. Notary in the County of Garanhuns, Pernambuco, since 2018.

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