Esmat promotes the Training of Tutors for Online Corporate Education course

On Friday (June 17th), the course for the Training of Tutors for Online Corporate Education began, in the distance learning modality, through Esmat's Virtual Environment and Google Meet Platform. Conducted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the course lasts 90 hours and will last until August 4th, 2021.

The course is intended for public servers and magistrates from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and/or public servers from Esmat's partner institutions, and its objective is to train them to act as tutors, in Online Corporate Education, in courses held in the distance learning modality, through the Moodle Platform.

Among the content presented, are: Topic 1 - Introducing the basics for planning and structuring the virtual room: The Importance of Planning; Structure Models in Moodle; Techniques for making the Virtual Room Interactive. Topic 2 - Fostering the tutor's role before the digital technologies in education: The Tutor's Role; The Effective Use of Digital Technology; Active Methodologies in DE; among others.

About the Instructors:

Lily Sany Silva Leite

Systems Analyst. Master's in Computational Systems Modeling. Specialist in School Management. Specialist in Public Management. Graduated in Data Processing. Researcher in Educational Technologies with emphasis on Distance Education and Corporate Education. Experienced in the areas of Computer Science, Educational Management, Public Management, Logistics, Distance Education Management, and Higher Education Teaching. Supervisor of the technological team responsible for the Implementation of the Technological Network of Distance Education of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. Currently she holds the position of administrative and technological supervisor at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), an organ of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

Jadir Alves de Oliveira

Master in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights. Post-Graduate in Management of the Judicial Power, by Lapa Educational College. Graduated in Pedagogy with qualification in Teaching of the Elementary School and Educational Supervision, from Federal University of Tocantins. Researcher in the area of Information Technology, Distance Education, Free and Proprietary Software, Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). Experienced in the area of Education as a teacher of the Early Years of Basic Education - Regular Education and Education of Young People and Adults. Educational Consultant for AMPLA Integral Education, institution responsible for the Programs of Distance Education, in the scope of training and improvement of the UNINTER/FACINTER network. He has worked as a pedagogical division chief at the Institute of Accounts October 5th, TCE-TO; effective teacher at the Municipal Public Network of Palmas/TO, since 2003. He coordinated the activities of Training and Improvement of Servers of the Judiciary School of the State of Tocantins, of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins. Member of the Administrative and Pedagogical Team responsible for the Implementation of the Technological Network of Distance Education of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. He is the coordinator of the Center for Training and Improvement of Servers of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).

Bruno Odate Tavares

Master in Computational Systems Modeling from the Federal University of Tocantins. Specialist in Systems Analysis and Judicial Management. Graduated in Data Processing with experience in Information Technology; User Support; Network Administration; Technologies in Distance Education; Graduated in English by the American School of Languages.

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