2025-2027 Management: A New Cycle Of Progress For Justice

The 2025/2027 management of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins (PJTO) is headed by Justices Maysa Vendramini Rosal, as president, and Jacqueline Adorno, as vice-president, Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, as general chief of Justice, and Justice Adolfo Amaro Mendes, as deputy chief of Justice.

The unanimously elected president takes over the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins after two years in the General Internal Affairs of Justice (CGJUS), where her pillars were dialog and transparency. This motto was present in the 67 goals set out in the 2023/2024 Management Plan. Maysa Vendramini Rosal also served as president of the National Land Forum, created in 2022 to contribute to land governance in Brazil.

At the head of the TJTO, Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal says that the most relevant actions, which are currently underway, will be maintained with “dedication and commitment”. She also lists as priorities the restructuring of the 1st level and the implementation of new technologies to improve judicial activities. “The biggest challenge is to improve the infrastructure of the Judiciary, but we need to take a special look at the capital.” 

The 2025/2027 management hopes to contribute to the evolution and strengthening of the court by holding a new competition for magistrates, of which there are currently 102 in the 36 districts; renovating the courthouse building of the city of Palmas and implementing new technologies and improving existing systems.


Born in the city of Goiânia (GO), married and mother of two children, Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal graduated in Law from the Anhanguera College of Human Sciences in the city of Goiânia and in Social Communication and Journalism from the Federal University of the state of Goiás (UFG). She specialized in Family Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. She has a Lato Sensu postgraduate degree in Management and Organizations of the Judiciary and the Public Prosecution from Unyleya College (RJ). Check out her full profile here.

In the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins, she took office as a magistrate on September 29th, 1989. She has worked in the civil, criminal, Jury and Appeals Courts in the districts of Cristalândia, Araguatins, Gurupi and Palmas. In March of 2014 she was summoned to the TJTO to replace a justice, and on July 17th, 2014 she was promoted to justice by seniority. 

Raised in a large family, with six siblings, she was always encouraged by her father to study, as she said in an interview recorded in 2023, when she took over the management of the CGJUS. “My father and mother invested a lot and really wanted us to study. My siblings studied, but I was the only one who pursued a career, who invested more in competitive exams. My father really wanted all of us, especially women, to study hard in order to have a professional life, to have financial independence so that we wouldn't be dependent, so that we could do what we needed to do, without needing the support of anyone.”

The justice sees the judiciary as a career that requires a lot of dedication, “I feel fulfilled as a judge, professionally fulfilled and I have no regrets.” And with dedication, dialog, transparency, faith and teamwork, the current president intends to continue her management, as she said on the day the current Board of Directors was chosen. “I've learned that nobody does anything alone. We are here today to comply our mission with faith, courage and cooperation,” she said.

Actions in the management of the CGJUS

Among the highlights of her management was the Land Regularization Program, which reached thousands of families in the state of Tocantins between 2023/2024. 18,061 titles were handed out across the State, in partnership with 115 municipalities.

The implementation of the Violentometer - a panel for monitoring protective measures in the state of Tocantins - was launched in 2023 and allows real-time monitoring of the movement of cases related to domestic violence throughout the State. It also carried out Ordinary General Corrections in 23 districts in the state of Tocantins, the State Meeting of Registrars and Notaries of Extrajudicial Offices in the State of Tocantins, the 3rd Meeting of Permanent Chiefs of Justice and the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the State of Tocantins (Encope). The CGJUS also hosted the 93rd National Meeting of General Chiefs of Justice.

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