Judiciary Recognizes Civil Servers And Judges Engaged In The Environmental Cause With The Green Seal 2025 Award

Raising the awareness of judges, civil servers, employees, outsourced workers, volunteers and trainees and making society as a whole aware of the effects caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To this end, the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins (PJTO) implemented the “Plant to Think” project, which involved the participation of various administrative units and courts.

The highlights of the initiative will be recognized next Friday (January 31st), at 9am, in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, with the presentation of the “Green Seal 2025 Award”.

Registrations for the project closed on December 13th, 2024 and the award was announced this week. There were 25 applicants, including directorates and districts, ten of which were rejected for not meeting the criteria required in the notice.

The initiative is part of the Sustainable Logistics Plan (PLS) which, among its objectives, defines the implementation of mechanisms for the gradual reduction of harmful effects on the atmosphere, as well as the offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the activities of the body, where applicable, and promotes sustainability within the Judiciary.

It is also supported by the commitment to sustainability established by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), through the 2030 Agenda in the Judiciary, and the Resolution No. 400/2021 of the CNJ, which govern the sustainability policy within the Judiciary.

Plant to think

Conceived by the Coordination of Social and Environmental Management (Cogersa) in order to comply with the terms of the Resolution 400/2021 of the CNJ, amended by the Resolution 550/2024, and the Sustainable Logistics Plan of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins, the Plant to Think project arose from the need to encourage the entire workforce of the Judiciary to become aware of the reduction in paper consumption and printing carried out. 

Aligned with the Macro-Challenge on “Promoting Sustainability” and the Sustainable Logistics Plan (Ordinance No. 3169/2023), the project includes actions such as educational campaigns, tree planting and behavioral changes to foster environmental responsibility.

How the green seal award works 

The participating units accumulated points for awareness-raising actions and planting native cerrado seedlings, with emphasis on those that exceeded the targets set by the Coordination of Social and Environmental Management and Social Responsibility (Cogersa). 

In addition to the Green Seal, there will be special prizes for the units that achieve significant results, including: 

- A day off for participants, according to the schedule; 

- A functional commendation for merit-based removal.  

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