I Scientific Articles Contest held by the Association of Magistrates of Brazil has registrations extended

Registrations for the 1st Contesto f Scientific Articles for the Control of Judicial Processes (CPJ) are extended until July 31st. Active magistrates, retirees or pensioners associated with AMB can participate, even an external non-magistrate public, as long as co-authored with an associate. The initiative is a partnership with Electronic Magazine Legal Consultant (CONJUR).


The purpose of the contest is to encourage academic production and critical analysis of data from two surveys carried out by AMB: “Study of the Image of the Brazilian Judiciary”, with the collaboration of Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and “Who we are. The Judiciary we want”. According to the organization, the topic is free as long as the text is based on the research mentioned above. The articles must obey a format of 20 to 30 pages and be sent to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The work that obtains the highest score will be declared the winner of the 1st CPJQ / AMB Scientific Articles Contest and will receive the Minister Carlos Alberto Menezes Direito Award, consisting of a plaque referring to the contest. Also according to the Public Notice, the 10 best articles, according to the obtained score, will be published by AMB, in CPJ / AMB Magazine, in ENM Magazine, or in another periodical chosen by AMB.


Further information, Access the Notice

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