CNJ creates the “Judge Viviane Vieira do Amaral Award” for the Protection of Women Victims of Domestic and Family Violence

Launched during the 326th Ordinary Session, held on March 9th by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the "Judge Viviane Vieira do Amaral Award for the Protection of Women Victims of Domestic and Family Violence". The announcement is expected to be released in May, and enrollment will begin in the second half of 2021. The award will be granted in five categories: courts; judges; actors from the criminal justice system (State Prosecutor's Office, Public Defender's Office, lawyers, civil servers; non-governmental organizations; media; and academic production.

Among the considerations about the importance of the award are the feminicide that killed, on December 24th, 2020, the Honorable Judge Viviane Vieira do Amaral, and the need to implement public policies to confront domestic and family violence in its various dimensions, which seek to guarantee women's human rights within the affective relationships, "in order to protect them from all forms of neglect, discrimination, exploitation, violence, cruelty, and oppression" (art. (art. 3º, § 1º, of Law nº 11.340, of 2006). During the session, the President of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), Minister Luiz Fux, stated that "this is the least the Judiciary could do to perpetuate Viviane's memory".

The "CNJ Judge Viviane Vieira do Amaral Award" will be promoted annually with the purpose of improving the judicial provision; encouraging the implementation of appropriate and accessible protection mechanisms to prevent future or potential violence against women and girls; recognize and disseminate good practices aimed at preventing and fighting crimes and other acts committed in the context of domestic and family violence against women; promote the awareness of the members of the Judiciary and of society about the need for permanent vigilance in the fight against domestic and family violence against women; and revere the memory of Judge Viviane Vieira do Amaral.

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