Management Committee of The Policy of Integral Attention to the Health of Magistrates and Servers of The Judiciary of The State of Tocantins presents data and actions in the health area

The members and support team of the Management Committee of the Policy of Integral Attention to the Health of Magistrates and Servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins met on Tuesday morning (July 19th), to present the actions and projects in the health area that are being realized in 2022 and the statistical data from the Medical Board (most frequent illnesses that caused the absence of magistrates and servers in 2021 and 2022), as well as the actions and the report on the care provided by the Center for Reception and Psychosocial Support (NAPsi/TJTO).

The meeting was opened by the president of the committee, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe. During the meeting, Doctor Elaine Cristina Ferreira, head of the Health Center of TJTO, presented the health actions and projects that are being realized in 2022. The Psychiatrist Wordney Carvalho Camarço, who is a member of the NAPsi team, presented the actions and the reporto f the center’s services.

Those present also had access to the statistical data from JMED, related to the most frequent illnesses that caused the absence of magistrates and servers between 2021 and 2022.


Also present in the event were the auxiliary Judge of the presidency Manuel de Faria Reis Neto; the president of the Association of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Asmeto), Judge Odete Batista dias Almeida; the chief of staff of the presidency of TJTO, Kênia Cristina de Oliveira; the General Director of TJTO, Jonas Demóstene Ramos; the Director of People Management (Digep), Antônio José Ferreira de Rezende; Bárbara Khristine Alvares de Moura Carvalho Camargo, head of the Official Medical Board of the Judiciary, Harthemyza Katiene de Fátima da Silva Lima, representing the Union of Servers of the Judiciary (Sinjusto); Leila Maia Bezerra and Leonardo Andrade Leal, both from (Digep).

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