Enfam meets with representatives of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM)

The National School for Training and Improvement of Judges (Enfam) seeks to act in an increasingly collaborative manner with educational institutions focused on the training of Judges. On Tuesday, September 27th, the General Director of the School, Minister Mauro Campbell Marques, and members of the staff of the institution met with directors of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) to integrate and share information about the work developed in the entities.

Minister Mauro Campbell said that the goal of his management is to bring the schools of magistrature closer to Enfam, which will be done in two ways. “First, by listening to what (the schools) have to teach us and add the best to the Brazilian Judiciary and, second, by making all the public policies recommended by the National Council of Justice a reference for the schools”, he said.

Also present at the meeting, the president of Copedem, Justice Marco Villas Boas, classified the meeting as historic and said that the feelings that unite them are of dialogue and reconnection. “Since the creation of Copedem, there has been a very effective proximity with Enfam, not only in projects developed together, but in the implementation of continued education that provides professional training with academic level and scientific research within the institutions of the Judiciary to improve the provision of judicial service and the quality of life of the community”, said the Justice.

The vice president and academic director of courses and international agreements of the College, Justice Cristina Tereza Gaulia, highlighted four issues: the first dealt with the importance of judicial schools, with the support of Enfam, mobilizing their 1st and 2nd grade magistrates to the public policies established by the CNJ. The second approached the support of the School in actions carried out for magistrates to make visits based on the transactional method.

The third point noted the importance of the research in the Judiciary, highlighting that the doors have been opened in this direction since the master’s degree of Enfam. Finally, he dealt with the opening of judicial schools in Portuguese-speaking countries. “This last point has the context of combating structural racism, which is extremely important. We owe Africa and it is time to pay our debt”, he commented.

The meeting was also attended by other members of Copedem, such as Justice Caetano Levi Lopes, adviser to the entity, who highlighted the projects developed focusing on the land issue and the re-socialization of convicts.

Tribute – At the end of the meeting, Minister Campbell was awarded the Copedem Antônio Rulli Júnior academic merit medal. “The tribute adds even more responsibility to me in the conduction of Enfam, but it is always heartening to know that I can count on the experience and intellectual gauge of Copedem, which has done an extraordinary work in improving the training of Brazilian magistrates”, he said.


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