Covid-19 - Judiciary begins full telework for judicial services from this Monday (March 1st)

Motivated, among other points, by the public health scenario, in which the growing proliferation of the Covid-19 infection in the state of Tocantins and the imminent collapse of the health system is verified, the Judiciary in Tocantins will carry out its judicial activities entirely through telework from this Monday (March 1st), until next March 21st, in the Court of Justice, the Internal Affairs of Justice, attachments, and in the districts.

Signed by the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Judge João Rigo Guimarães, and by the Chief of Justice, Judge Etelvina Maria Felipe Sampaio, the Joint Ordinance No. 6/2021 reminds that on March 22nd, the return of activities with 25% in person is expected, "unless there is justification for different treatment, to be communicated to the Presidency and to the Chief of Justice.

The ordinance, which extended, also from this Monday (March 1st), the face-to-face activities in 25% for administrative services, makes clear that this percentage does not include "the servers of the risk group and those who have custody of children of school age up to 12 years, and in the latter case there may be the situational analysis in the concrete case. And also that the "remaining quantity of internal users should remain in telework regime until further notice".


It also establishes the suspension, within the validity of that ordinance, "the procedural acts that involve personal appearance by prisoners and processed before the competent criminal court or before the Central of Alternative Sentences and Measures (Cepema) that are serving a sentence in open regime, semi-open, probation or decriminalizing measure as conditional suspension of the process, sentence or criminal transaction. And decrees the regime of Extraordinary Duty "for the fulfillment of warrants by Court clerks, being allowed only the distribution of warrants of an urgent nature or coming from duty.

Presence of external users

The ordinance also points out that, as of March 22nd, external users (members of the State Prosecution, lawyers, public defenders, parties, witnesses, and police authorities) will be allowed to be physically present. And also citizens in general, "provided the need is justified and when it is not possible to practice the procedural act by virtual means, in the period from 12 am to 6 pm, obeying the health security protocols.

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