Esmat And UFT Announce Professional Doctorate In Public Management (Gespol)

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), in partnership with the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT) announce the launch of the Public Policy Management Program (Gespol). The program received a grade of 4 from Capes and it is already one of the best postgraduate programs in the State of Tocantins. 

In the State of Tocantins, the modernization of justice is evident, with all cases (100%) being processed virtually. This makes the justice system more transparent and accessible to society. This new reality has motivated the discussion and improvement of justice system professionals, with the aim of proposing effective and efficient public policies for regional development. 

In view of the aspects identified in the indicators for science, technology, education and the performance of the judiciary (Justice in Numbers), a Doctorate in Public Management is being proposed. This doctorate will include professionals from the Court of Justice and the Justice System, including the State Prosecution and the Federal Court, among others working in the field of judicial provision and human rights.

The Program will include students who are public servers or public service providers from several fields, such as Law, Psychology, Philosophy, Social Work, History, Pedagogy, among others. 

With three distinct lines of research - Institutional Dynamics and Public Policy Evaluation; Education, Science and Technology and Territorial Development; and Human Security and Social Development - the Program aims to provide a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to meet the challenges of public management.

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