Pink October: Tjto Holds A Discussion On The Health Of Women At The Iii Workshop Of The Health On The Agenda Project

An afternoon tea with lots of relaxation and information about the health of women. That's what the “Heart Health and Quality of Life - Women” round table will be like, which will be held next Friday (October 25th), in the auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), from 2pm to 5.35pm, with a live broadcast to civil servers from the countryside via the YouTube channel. The initiative is part of the III Workshop of the Health on the Agenda Project, developed by the Health Center of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (Cesau/TJTO).

The project brings the view that disease prevention is an attitude to be exercised on a daily basis, through guidance and knowledge, broadening the understanding of individuals, providing them with tools that allow them to learn better, increasing the level of information and developing skills that allow them to improve individual health and the health of the community in which they live, making them individuals capable of exercising greater control and an active role in relation to their health, taking responsibility for maintaining habits and practices that preserve their own physical and mental health, such as taking care of nutrition, practicing physical activity and priming for well-being.

In this third edition, alluding to the Pink October, participants will have a moment focused on the health of women, with information, guidance and questions about breast cancer prevention and treatment, answered by doctors: Elaine Cristina Ferreira - Cardiologist and coordinator of Cesau; and Alex Barros Silva - specialized in Nutrology.

The aim of the action is to help improve the health and quality of life of the magistrates, civil servers and trainees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (PJTO). To this end, 80 vacancies are being offered.

To participate, sign in here.

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