The second panel of the International Seminar of the ACI Dialogue Research Group - Constitutional and International Environmental Dialogue -, held this Friday (August 4th), at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), had the presentation of four articles in the Constitutional category. The mediation was done by Professor Dayane Nayara Silva Calaço, from Uninassau.
The event, which brought the theme on "Administrative simplification and environmental protection", is held by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through Esmat, in partnership with the Universities of Coimbra and Salamanca.
The first presentation, with Professor Aurélio Picanço, from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), brought the theme on "Economic and financial sustainability of urban cleaning and solid waste management services".
The professor gave an overview of how household solid waste management is done and how the collection systems are, which is a requirement of the New Legal Mark for Sanitation. Picanço pointed out that in Brazil the collection is fixed - fees and tariffs. "The fairest way is for those who generate more to pay more. Those who generate less, pay less", he noted, adding that the trend is to follow the PAYT system, based on instruments that reduce the waste generated.
The digital revolution, its facilities and risks guided the lecture on "Algorithmic Power and the potential risks to the integrity of democracy", with the Attorney of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ceará, Rodrigo Martiniano.
The professor addressed the article 19 of the Civil Mark of the Internet, the Fake News bill, which is in progress, and also pointed out the risks of the uses of algorithms in the electoral process: manipulation and electoral fraud; biases and inequalities and lack of transparency.
The legal developments with technological advances were also the subject of the lectures on "Digital influencers in the legal world: limits and possibility", with Professor Dayse Braga Martins, from the University of the State of Fortaleza (UNIFOR); and "The adequate protection of artificial intelligence law as a diffuse right and the instruments of protection", with Professor and Advisor Hian Colaço, from the Court of Justice of the State of Ceará.
The International Seminar of the ACI Dialogue Research Group - Constitutional and International Environmental Dialogue - is an academic and scientific event that brings together researchers, students and professionals in the field of Law, especially those interested in the study that aims to promote discussions and exchanges of experiences on legal issues related to the environment, addressing both the national and international scope.