Seminar on "the future of business and justice 5.0" closes with a tribute to minister Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino

With a tribute to minister Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino, who died in early April, the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy closed the Seminar on "The Future of Business and Justice 5.0". The Jurist, Magistrate, Minister and Professor left a remarkable legacy of judicial provision to the Brazilian society.

The third day of the Seminar had panels that approached litigation funds, frauds, and the exhaustive list in the supplementary health system, the advances, debates, and challenges of sustainability in agribusiness, as well as legal security in complementary pensions.

In the Program were debated current and emerging themes, such as the Legal Framework of AI and Technological Innovations; Future of Work; Corporate Legal and Justice 5.0; Regulation and Risks; Litigation Funds; Frauds and Tax Roll; Sustainability in Agribusiness and Legal Security in Complementary Pensions.

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