STJ promotes a seminar on judicial and inter-institutional cooperatio

The Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) will promote, on May 4th, from 9am to 5:30pm, the seminar on JUDICIAL COOPERATION AND INTERINSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION - JOINING FORCES IN THE SEARCH FOR EFFICIENCY. The meeting will have a hybrid format and can be followed in person at the  Great Hall of the Superior Court of Justice or live on the YouTube channel of the court.

Under the coordination of the Management Committee of Precedents and Collective Actions of the STJ (Cogepac), with the assistance of the Center for Management of Precedents and Collective Actions (Nugepnac), the event aims to analyze process and procedural issues related to the theme, present the results of agreements already implemented and view future prospects for improving cooperation between institutions, as well as between the Judiciary and other government agencies.


The president of the SCJ, Minister Maria Thereza de Assis Moura, and Counselor Mauro Martins, member of the National Council of Justice (NCJ), will participate in the opening ceremony of the event, at 9 am. Starting at 9:30 am, the opening lecture will discuss the fundamentals of national judicial cooperation, followed by an exposition on judicial cooperation between the court of judicial reorganization and the tax and civil courts.

The third presentation, at 11:10 am, will approach the cooperation between the SCJ and the Attorney General of the Union in the management of repetitive cases. Next, the lecture will be on judicial and inter-institutional cooperation in the effectiveness of human rights.

After the lunch break, the seminar will resume at 2 pm with two themes: "Acts of cooperation for modification of jurisdiction, temporary gathering of cases and other purposes", and "The practice of interinstitutional cooperation in the Amazon: innovation and access to justice in remote areas".

Starting at 3:40 pm, the debate will be about the good practices of judicial cooperation in the Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro, as well as judicial and inter-institutional cooperation in structural processes.

The closing lecture will be given by Mário Augusto Guerreiro, Instructor Judge of the office of Minister Luiz Fux, of the Supreme Court (STF), and will deal with the perspectives for the present and the future of cooperation in the Judiciary.

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