Esmat students hold the first environmental conciliation hearing

The first conciliation hearing of the Basic Training Course for Environmental Mediators, held last Thursday (October 20th), represents an important initiative for the search of conciliatory and pacifying solutions for the conflicts that involve environmental and land problems in the State of Tocantins.

Conducted by the conciliator Giulia Silva Lima Bandeira, it was agreed between the parties, during the hearing, that a term of adjustment of conduct would be drawn up. The action, which has the State Prosecution (MPTO) as a party, was held in the Virtual Hearing room of the Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSC) in the County of Gurupi/TO.

For Judge Nassib Cleto Mamud, from the 1st Court of Treasury and Public Records of the city of Gurupi, the conciliation hearings serve, even partially, the interests of both parties. This is why the activities are so important.

"I think it is very important that all parties participate, whether those involved, the State Prosecution, and not only because conciliation helps to reduce judicial stock and slows down the courts, but because it really comes to meet the final objective of the process, which is to resolve the situation, and not simply pass a sentence, give a decision that may sometimes be unenforceable, depending on the context. Conciliation prioritizes what the parties can actually accomplish, and not only what is written in the law," he explained.

According to Judge Wellington Magalhães, the course coordinator, the environmental conciliation hearings represent an initial milestone in the collective effort to work with actions aimed at the preservation of nature.

"Conciliation always serves both parties, even if partially, not entirely. It puts an end to litigation in prestige to the principle of celerity, of the reasonable duration of the process, of social pacification, especially when it comes to environmental actions. What is sought is the preservation of the environment and the prevention of damage to the ecosystems, we need to continue advancing in this sense of encouraging and stimulating the consensual solution of these environmental and land conflicts", he commented.

In his speech, Judge Nilson Afonso do Silva, coordinator of the Cejusc of the city of Gurupi, highlighted his expectations regarding the performance and the results generated by the hearings: "I see the conciliation hearing applicable in Public Civil Actions as a great advancement, an opportunity to build a faster and more effective solution, avoiding that damages or harm be prolonged in time. The Cejusc wants to contribute to the solution of the conflicts in the environmental lawsuits, which deal with both procedural actions and citizenship. I hope we have good results from these hearings. It is known that the action of each individual seems to be small in the global context; however, if everyone becomes aware of the improvement and conservation of our ecosystem, the results will be huge, especially for future generations. Contributing to the environment is contributing to citizenship", he said.

The Prosecutor, Francisco José Pinheiro Brandes Junior, made an alert to the environmental agencies. He explains that the moment is challenging and that with the disorderly increase of the productive areas, without a sustainable action with the environment, it may compromise the economic future of the region. 

“There is no economic development without environmental sustainability. And there will be no economic future for the region, the southwest of the State of Tocantins, if the environmental, state, and inspection agencies order the agro-industrial growth in a way that complies with the current environmental legislation, without retrogression, whether legislative or inspection," he stressed.

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