Management system and institutional security activity within the judiciary - theory and practice - had its classes concluded

The course: Management System and Institutional Activity within the Judiciary – Theory and Practice – successfully concluded its activities, this Wednesday (September 22nd), with the objective of training public servers, and the Military Advisory of the Presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, for the correct use of the functionalities and workflow of the Institutional Security Management System (SSI), even as to statistical management and the methodology and principles of knowledge production and information protection.

The course started on September 8th, 2021, with 45 hours, and covered topics such as Social Engineering and Institutional Security in the Judiciary; Institutional Security Management System of the Santa Catarina Court of Justice (SSI); Good Practices in knowledge production and organic security and intelligence activities, among others.

The classes were taught by the professors:

André Valdevino

Post-Graduating in Cyber Defense, by SENAC College, 2020. Graduate student in Computer Networks, by the Catholic University of Brasília, 2020. Postgraduate student in Public Security Intelligence, by Superior Institute of Police Science, 2018-2019, Brasília. Postgraduate in State Intelligence and Public Security Intelligence (FESMP), 2014, Belo Horizonte. Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, from the Catholic University of Brasília, 2006. Open Sources and Cyber Intelligence Course (ESISPERJ), 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Course on Social Media Exploitation and Analysis, Federal Bureal of Investigation (FBI), 2019, Brasília. Course on Advertising and Counteradvertising (IBRAV), 2019, Brasília. Course of Cyber Operations (SENASP), 2018, São Luís-MA. Intelligence Operations Course (FAB), 2017, Brasília. Course on International Conflict Analysis (ESG), 2016, Brasília. Basic Criminal Investigations Course (MPD), 2015, Brasília. Intelligence Analysis Multiplier Level Course (SENASP), 2015, Brasília. Knowledge Production Multiplier Course (SENASP), 2015, Brasília. Intelligence Analysis Course Knowledge Production Level (SENASP), 2014, Brasília Interview Course Basic Level (MPDFT), 2014, Brasília. Implantation and Maintenance of Electronic Security Course - FAB -, Brasília. Interview Techniques and Lie Detection Course, Marco Reis Institute, 2014, Brasília. Basic Course of Organic Security (MPDFT), 2013, Brasília. Course of Intelligence Operations on Borders (SENASP), 2012, Cuiabá. Policing Veiled Course (PMDF), 2012, Brasília. Public Security and Defense Course (Terrorism and Counterterrorism) (ILB), 2012, Brasília. Intelligence Legislation Course (OAB), 2012, Brasília. Assignments: Head of the Intelligence Section of the STJ, 2019-2021. Head of the Intelligence Section CPRS Central Agency, 

2017-2019. Intelligence Agent/Analyst Militar House (GDF), 2015-2017. Analyst 21st BPM, San Sebastian, 2012-2015. Intelligence Agent.

Joanir Ricardo Pereira dos Santos

Major in the Military Police of the State of Santa Catarina. Graduated in Public Security, by the University of Vale do Itajaí, 2008. Officer Training Course at the Military Police Academy of Trindade/SC. Postgraduate in Public Security Management, by Barddal College, 2011. MBA in Agile Project Management, by Senai/SC, 2019. Complementary training: several courses in the áreas of Security and Public Administration, with emphasis on Intelligence, Security of Authorities and Police Personal Defense. As a Police officer, He worked at the 13th Militry Police Battalion in Rio do Sul – SC, in the position of the 4th Section/Finance Officer, 2008-2009; at the 7th Military Police Battalion in São José-SC, in the positions of Company Sub-Commander and Traffic Platoon Commander, 2009-2010; in the Trindade Military Police Academy in Florianópolis-SC, as a commander of the Officer Training Course Platoon, 2010-2011; in the Military Police College “Feliciano Nunes Pires”, in Florianópolis-SC, as a Treasurer, 2011-2012. Military Assistant to the Security Coordinator of the Military House of the Santa Catarina State Government, 2012-2018. Currently acts as a Military Assistant at the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina, since 2018.

Patrícia Moellmann

Integrates the Intelligence Analyst team in the General Counterintelligence Coordination of the Directorate of Intelligence of the Secretariat of Integrated Operations (CGCI/DINT/SEOPI/MJSP), of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, since April 2019. She has an experience in police and intelligence activity, organization, planning and development of events, courses and seminars for planning and analysis of results in the police area.

Learning Facilitator:

Milena Santana de Araújo Lima

Civil Police Delegate at the disposal of the Presidency of the TJTO. Head of the Intelligence Division of NIS/COPESI/TJTO. She is specialized in Intelligence and Institutional Security. She has worked as an instructor at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), at the Center of Studies and Functional Improvement of the State Prosecution Office of the State of Tocantins (CESAF), at the Civil Police Academy of the State of Tocantins and at the Superior School of the Civil Police of the State of Tocantins. Among other training and specializations, the highlights are the Post-Graduation in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity: Prevention and Investigation of Digital Crimes (UNYLEYA); Course on Policy, Planning and Strategic Management in Public Security (Superior School of War (ESG)); Train the Trainer Course, by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). 

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