Justice Marco Villas Boas Honored With The Maria Felipa Warrior Medal, Awarded By The College Of Electoral General Inspectors Of Brazil

Foto: Alair Ribeiro - Ascom TRE-MT

During the 53rd edition of the Meeting of the College of Electoral General Inspectors of Brazil (CCORELB), Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and President of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM), was awarded the Maria Felipa Warrior Medal, in memory of one of the leaders of the struggle for independence of the State of Bahia and consolidation of the process of independence of Brazil. The Medal is the highest honor awarded to magistrates who have contributed to the enhancement and dignification of Electoral Justice in Brazil. The 53rd CCORELB is being held by the Regional Electoral Office of the General Internal Affairs of Justice (CRE) of the Regional Electoral Court of the State of Mato Grosso (TRE-MT), at the Pantanal Events Center in the city of Cuiabá.

Justice Marco Villas Boas was the President of the College of Electoral General Inspectors of Brazil from 2005 to 2006, and re-elected for the period 2006-2007, where he developed, together with the Superior Electoral Court, the institutional direction and strategic planning of the Offices of the General Internal Affairs of Justice of all the Regional Electoral Courts, acting decisively in the drafting and application of the Law No. 11.300, of 2006, which sought to moralize the electoral process and prevent "box 2" and other forms of electoral corruption. The Justice also served as the Electoral General Chief of the TRE-TO for three terms.

In his speech, the President of Copedem and General Director of Esmat congratulated all the participants and organizers of the meeting for the act of recognizing and recovering the history of the College and those who have presided over it. He noted that when he looked at the timeline, he realized that he is the dean of the former presidents, given that the Justices Rubens Bergonzi Bossay (MS), Álvaro Lazzarini (SP), José Maria das Neves (TO) and Paulo Shintate (SP), who preceded him, are already enjoying eternal rest among the just. He stressed that the work of strategic direction and institutional alignment that began during his administration had made a significant contribution to the restructuring of the Electoral Court and the standardization of notary practices.

He pointed out that this project was initially drawn up by Justice Sálvio de Fiqueiredo, and it was revived by Justice Humberto Gomes de Barros, at the request of Dr. Sérgio Cardoso, then coordinator of the General Electoral Office. Upon learning about the project, Justice Villas Boas saw the possibility of implementing it through the College, a mission that was very successful with the support and work of all the Offices of the Electoral General Internal Affairs of Justice. He stressed that during his administration, the coordinators of the General Electoral General Offices, together with their teams, began to work in advance at the meetings with proposals that were taken to the plenary composed of the General Chiefs of Justice. Villas Boas concluded by saying that "the College of Electoral General Chiefs of Justice is of fundamental importance to the Brazilian Electoral Justice, contributing significantly to the fairness and transparency of the elections, and to the informed, inclusive and participatory electoral process contributing to democracy truly flourishing in this country".

About the Meeting

The Meeting of Electoral General Chiefs of Justice aims to promote the improvement of judicial provision, actions, projects and work routines carried out in the Electoral Justice within the scope of the activities of the General Internal Affairs of Justice. The program includes lectures and debates on topics such as correctional activity, voter registration, improvements in voter service, as well as relevant topics for the municipal elections of 2024.


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