The first activity of the AI Generation Congress: cyber and legal security for socio-economic development promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State School Directors of Magistracy (COPEDEM), last Thursday (November 23rd), counted on the election by large vote of the "Integration" slate of the Executive Committee and Fiscal Council of Copedem for the 2024-2026 biennium.
On that occasion, the General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, Justice Marco Villas Boas, was re-elected as President of Copedem. In his speech, he stressed the challenges for the next two years, such as broadening discussions on the agricultural issue with respect to the environmental legislation; the importance of the work of magistrates on this issue. "For our part, we are grateful for the vote of confidence of everyone, and we will strive to strengthen Copedem even further, increasing the scope of our training and academic events for Brazilian magistrates," he said.