Esmat acquires more than 200 new titles for its library

In the continuous search for the formation and improvement of Judges and employees of the Judiciary, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) has recently acquired more than 200 new books for its Library. These works, already catalogued and available to those registered in the Library system, cover areas such as Communication, Education, Law, and Social Sciences.

With a total of 208 titles acquired, the initiative aims to strengthen the physical collection of literary and research works, expanding the options for reading and study. The books can be borrowed, following the rules for withdrawal and return established by the responsible department. Judges, civil servers, and students in LATO and STRICTO SENSU post-graduation courses can make use of these valuable materials for their research and studies.

The Library is open to the public from noon to 6 pm. To obtain more information about the available works or in case of interest in consulting only a specific chapter, those interested may contact us via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by the telephone (63) 3218-4357.

Check out the available titles added to the collection clicking here.

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