May will be a busy month at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). With an intense program of courses and events for servers and magistrates of the Judiciary and for society in general, the activities begin on Thursday (May 4th), with the II Week of Prevention of Bullying and Combating Discrimination in the Workplace within the Judiciary.
From May to December, the course "Financial Education for Consumers - My Accounts on time at Cejusc" will take place. The goal is to offer financial education and psychosocial guidance on consumption and forms of treatment for over-indebtedness, in order to assist in debt rescheduling for over-indebted consumers, as established by the Law no. 14.181, of 2021, which amended the Consumer Defense Code.
Between May 5th and 25th, the course on "Practice of Preparation of Preliminary Study, Document of Official Demand, Term of Reference, based on the new Bidding Law No. 14.133, 2021" will take place. The training is directed specifically to servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.
From May 11th to July 6th, the course on "Mindfulness for Self-Care" will take place. It aims to promote the integral health and well-being of the magistrates and servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, contributing to the improvement of the development of activities and the provision of judicial services.
On May 12th, the Basic Life Support course, Class I, will take place; on May 19th, Class II. On May 16th and 23rd, mapping workshops for the People Management by Competences project will take place, in Classes I and II, respectively.
And that's not all! On May 16th, Esmat will also be promoting the III WEBINARIUM Adoption: the socialization of good practices in childhood and youth processes, besides other courses and events that will be announced throughout the month.
Registrations for the actions mentioned above will be made available later on the Portal of the School. Therefore, stay tuned to our social networks and SITE for more information about registration dates and the requirements for participating in the courses and events.