The registration period is now open for all candidates in the Reserve Register (Notice 57, 2024) of the Residency Program with Access to Postgraduate Studies in Judicial Practice (PRJud) who are interested in applying for an unfilled vacancy in the districts of Colmeia and Paranã.
To apply for the vacancy in the district of Colmeia, click here.
To apply for the vacancy in the district of Paranã, click here.
Registrations are open until tomorrow (April 3rd) at 1pm. The result of filling the two vacancies will be announced in a notice published at the end of April 3rd.
In addition, due to the withdrawal of successful candidates and the need for a new call to fill a vacancy in the district of Araguaçu, a new candidate was summoned to submit documentation to the Directorate of People Management (Digep).
The result of this call, published on April 1st, 2024, can be accessed at clicking here (p. 58).
Candidates who have been called up must contact Digep, by telephone (63) 3218-4297, to sign the PRJud Internship Term of Commitment, on April 4th, 2024.
The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) points out that the other candidates on the reserve list, listed in the Notice No. 57, of March 15th, 2024, published in the Electronic Justice Diary No. 5.605, which published the final results of the selection process, should continue to pay attention to the publications in the Justice Diary.