"Our idea is to make process mining accessible," said lecturer Sarajane Marques Peres during her presentation on process mining and public administration. Mediated by Professor Oneide Perius, the conference, held on Wednesday (September 13th) in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), covered introductory and conceptual aspects of the subject.
Sarajane presented a didactic and very accessible approach during her presentation. She explained: "I'm not from the area of law, I'm from the area of computer science, so I've brought a subject here to you that, from my point of view, is a tool that can be useful to any of us who are here, as long as they are qualified to meet specific needs. So I took a more detailed approach of presentation of this content in order to conceptualize it, to explain what process mining is all about and an exemplary approach in public administration."
When talking about process mining, the speaker emphasized that we are discussing organizational efficiency and business processes. "We understand processes to be a set of activities that an organization carries out in a certain order to achieve a business objective," she explained.
She also pointed out that mining, in this context, involves an exploration of data through computational approaches, using specific tools, algorithms and techniques to obtain added value.