Registrations Are Open For Specialization In Health Law Offered By Enfam And Fiocruz

The Health Law Program of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz Brasília) will hold a specialization course in Health Law, in distance learning mode. Through a partnership with the National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (Enfam) and the Health Law Program (Prodisa), vacancies will be offered to magistrates who are members of the National Network of Judicial Schools and Schools of Magistrates (Renejum) and who work directly or indirectly in this area.

Interested parties should contact the pedagogical team of Enfam by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The first 20 people will be nominated by the School to take part in the course at no cost. Classes will take place from April 24th of this year to February 10th, 2025, with the course scheduled to end on June 29th, 2025. The class load is 415 hours/class.

The aim of the course is to train professionals in the legal and/or health fields to build a systemic vision of Health Law and the legal-political-sanitary institutions created to make it possible, in a way that is contextualized to the Brazilian constitutional health reality.

The complete Notice is available on the site of Fiocruz.

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