Esmat concludes workshop on procedural movement in the eproc system for the civil courts

On Thursday (24th), the last day of the Workshop on Procedural Movement in the Eproc System for the Civil Courts was held. The event began on Wednesday (23rd), and was opened by Rosa Maria Rodrigues Gazire Rossi, auxiliary Judge of the General Internal Affairs of Justice of TJTO.

Conducted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, the training had a course load of 4 hours. It aimed to promote the knowledge of Procedural Movements in the Eproc system for the Civil Courts in compliance with the Unified Procedural Tables of the Judiciary, in order to observe the official statistical reports of the National Council of Justice.

For the magistrate Edssandra Barbosa da Silva Lourenço of the 3rd Civil Court of the city of Palmas, the course updates magistrates and servers in the correct exercise of movements in the Eproc system. Therefore, it is essential to know the right way to move the processes and to know the procedural classes that impact the goals so that our work is properly accounted for", she said.

Wandersson Amorim Nobre, a judicial server, took an advantage of the information about the theme and positively evaluated the training he attended. "I am loving the explanations presented in the workshop taught by our server colleague Kellen Cleya, bringing the innovations and recent changes in the TPU / CNJ and keeping us updated on the procedural movements, and this new version directed to the Civil left clearer and more dynamic the subject, and it was what was missing to the servers who work only with the Civil jurisdiction as we of the Unified Judicial Office of the Civil Courts of the city of Palmas, being incredible if it occurred every quarter," he said.

The themes discussed and taught by professor Kellen Cleya dos S. Madalena Stakoviak, on the last day of the event were: Procedural Movements in the Eproc System for the Civil Courts; Suit correctly registered; Receipt of initial petition; Anticipation of tutelage and preliminary injunctions; Hearings (types and situations); Judgments pronounced in hearing; Suspension or Standstill (by decision or order); Lifting of suspension or disqualification; Judgment with and without resolution of Merit; Appeal to the Higher Court; Declining of competence; Class rectification and evolution.

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