The Law Course at the Campus of the city of Palmas of the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), in partnership with the Raimunda Coconut Breaker Clinic of Human Rights, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins and the Postgraduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, will hold the first interdisciplinary seminar. This event is part of the extension project on "Human Rights Research and Community Interaction: A Dialogue between Academia and Society".
The seminar will take place on June 11th, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., online. Interested parties can register on the events platform of UFT, through the Interdisciplinary Legal Extension Seminar and access the virtual room.
The main objective of the seminar is to promote integration among researchers from the Postgraduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, law students and society in general. The initiative aims to provide a space for dialog in which the Master's researchers will present their work. In this first round of debates, the following topics will be addressed: "The Rights of People with Disabilities: An Analysis of Public Policies" by Victor Soares Nunes, a state civil server; "The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins: Internalization of the Jurisprudence of the Court as a Way of Applying Human Rights and Knowledge of International Treaties" by Roniclay Alves de Morais, Law Judge; and "The Importance of Criminological-Critical Knowledge in the Performance of Criminal Judges: Realizing Human Rights in the State of Tocantins" by Andrea Cardinale Urani Oliveira de Morais, Criminal Lawyer and Professor of higher education.
To organize this action, the students selected dissertations available in the Master's dissertation database, held prior debates and detailed studies on the research, and the next step was to hold the seminar that will provide a meeting between the authors of these dissertations and the community.
The event is being developed by students from the legal extension courses under the supervision of Professors Gustavo Paschoal and Gleidy Braga. Both emphasize the importance of interaction between students and researchers and the relevance of community participation, stressing that this initiative contributes to a learning environment that integrates theory and practice. In addition, they stress that this action is fundamental for training professionals who are better prepared and more attentive to local social and legal demands.