Applications are open until August 17th, 2023, for the selection process for students of the Off-Site Class No. 1, with admission in the second semester of 2023, in the Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, promoted by the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). Vacancies are being offered to magistrates and civil servers from the States of Acre and Roraima.
For this first class, the Program signed a partnership with the Court of Justice of the State of Acre (TJAC), the Court of Justice of the State of Roraima (TJRR) and the Regional Electoral Court of the State of Roraima (TRERR), with a view to training magistrates and civil servers of these institutions, triggering studies and research that will improve the actions practiced in the area of Justice and Human Rights. For this class, 34 vacancies are being offered, distributed as follows: 20 to the Court of Justice of the State of Acre; 10 to the Court of Justice of the State of Roraima; and 4 to the Regional Electoral Court of the State of Roraima.
About the Master’s
The Professional Master's Degree (Post-Graduation Stricto Sensu), aimed at the improvement and qualification of professionals in the various areas of knowledge, aims to study techniques, processes, or themes for the improvement of the Justice System, Judicial Provision and Human Rights within the scope of the legal Amazon.