Registrations Are Open For The Activities Of The First Week Of Dialogues On Equality And Diversity

Registrations are now open for the activities of the First Week of Dialogues on Equality and Diversity. The action, promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the state of Tocantins (ESMAT), aims to promote understanding, awareness and engagement on issues related to equality and diversity. Through discussions, the event seeks to strengthen awareness of the importance of equal rights and the value of diversity in social and professional environments, with the aim of creating a more inclusive and equitable environment.


Activities to be held from October 17th to 20th:

Activity 1: Lecture — Racial Equality and the Implementation of Public Policies: An Intersectional View; Panel — Approach to the trial protocol from a gender perspective.

Activity 2: Panel — Knowledge and legal practice of the protocol for trials with a gender perspective in the fight against violence against women.

Activity 3: Panel — Introduction to the judgment protocol on the gender perspective in Brazilian justice in the view of the National Council of Justice (CNJ).



To register for Activity 1, which will be held in person in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), on October 17th and 18th (Tuesday and Wednesday), at 8am, click here.

Those interested in taking part in Activity 2, which will be carried out ONLINE, with live transmission via the Esmat Platform, on October 19th, at 8:30 a.m., please register. clicking here.

And to register for Activity 3, which will also be held remotely, with live transmission via the Esmat Platform, on October 20th, at 8:30 a.m., click here.


Stay tuned!

A certificate will be generated for each activity.

For the face-to-face activity, the attendance of the participants will be recorded electronically in the auditorium of the Court of Justice on October 17th and 18th. For the distance learning activities, the attendance of the participants will be recorded when they log in to the Virtual Academic System (VAS) to watch the event.

For more information on the detailed schedule of each activity and speakers, click here.

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